'Hot & Ready'v

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        There's no words at all, or way to explain my temporary state. I'm sure I wasn't breathing. I couldn't breathe. What is air? All that mattered is this dm that I have to reply to before he changes his mind! 

But I couldn't move. Somehow I ended up on the floor cuddled up in a ball crying when Stacy made her way into the kitchen. She saw my current state but instead of saying anything she walked towards me and grabbed my phone. Her eyes opened wide in a look of surprise, smiled, and started typing something. Meanwhile I was dumbfounded staring at her confused when she handed me back my phone. 

"Congrats! and make sure to compose yourself before he calls" she said as she walked away. 

I looked down at my phone and read what she sent him. 

' (phone number) I'll be hot and ready whenever you call sweetcheeks'   I didn't know if I should cry or go after Stacy and beat her. 

I was too embarrassed to do anything. If he called me ,he called me, if he didn't, he didn't and I would kill Stacy.

I started cleaning up the mess of cereal I made in midst of all this happening and since I was still hungry I grabbed the peanut butter, an apple and a knife and sat down at the table. I cut up my apple and started trying to thank everyone who had tweeted me.

About fifteen minutes later I was on my last slice of apple when my phone started ringing. 

'Private Number'


"Hey beautiful how are you?" he said

"I'm amazing right now. Trying to come up with something clever to say to keep you interested in talking to me really haha.." 

"What ? All of a sudden you re out of what to say ? A couple minutes ago you claimed you were 'hot and ready' haha" he laughed 

My face was probably as red a baboons ass. I was so embarrassed and started laughing like a lunatic which made itself into a coughing fit.

"Hahaha... umm soooo sorry about that! Ya see I was in a state of shock when you dm'd me so my little sister answered, sooo sorry! That's embarrassing" 

"Aww ! and here I was hoping you were being serious!" he chuckled.

"Aha well who knows, maybe she guessed right" I laughed. I had no clue what came into me to answer like that all confident and stuff, but for some reason he liked my new found confidence. 

We stayed talking for about two hours talking about everything and anything that popped up in our heads. We laughed, made fun of each other jokingly, and even got into serious conversation. 

I heard my mom call my name and then Stacy came in telling me we had to go out and that I had five minutes to be ready. 

"Who was that?" Cameron asked. 

"My sister, we have plans today apparently, which is a first and at such bad timing."

"Oh I see, well I really enjoyed talking to you." 

" And who wouldn't enjoy talking to you ?! But yea this will be a moment I will cherish dearly for the rest of my life, Thank you Cam."

"As will I Becca." 

"Well if you would ever for some weird crazy reason want to speak again, don't hesitate to call me." I said laughing nervously.

"Now don't get my hopes up, cause I might have to take you up on that offer." 

"You're the one getting my hopes up by saying that ! Haha"

"Well ya never know.. now get going before your mom drags you out of your room because of me!"

"Oh and don't doubt it! But thanks again Cameron, you literally mean the world to me and this was beyond what I expected."  I sighed.

I never knew it was possible, and it sounds crazy but I heard him smile. Weird right. The line was silent but neither one of us had hung up. It was a comfortable silent though, one that I was I could be in forever, but as if God had laughed and farted in the face of my wish, my mother called my name saying it was time to go. I groaned but smiled instantly when I heard Cam laugh on the other end surely after hearing my mom scream. 

"Well that's my cue" I said. 

"Bye Becca"       

"Bye Cam" 


There is a lot more I have planned for this story so please just please bear with me. I swear it'll get way more interesting as the story goes on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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