Spamming Cam

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       After watching Cam's "How To Hack Anyone' video for like the tenth time I decided it was time for me to try and get some sleep. I kept thinking how lucky those girls were who had the chance to talk to Cameron, and how I desperately wished everyday I could be one of those girls. Since today was Tuesday, well technically Wednesday already since its two in the morning, I knew I had a chance at being one of those girls. Call Me Cam Wednesdays are the most emotional and stressful day every week for me. As much as I tweet and try to get him to notice me, it never happens. It is obviously a bummer but I havnt given up just yet.  'Tomorrow', I thought, 'tomorrow is my chance'

        I woke up to the annoying sound of my mother screaming. Yes my mom, not an alarm clock. "Jasmin! Rebecca! Stacy! Its time to get up!" I never understood why she always wanted us up so early if we have nothing to do and its summer, but I wasnt so upset today since I have to shower, and get ready to spam Cameron for that call. 

Lazily, I got up out of bed and headed towards my bathroom. I took my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth while just staring intently at my eyes. See they do this cool thing sometimes, whenever they feel like it, where they change from gray to an almost dull purplish gray and I love to watch them change. Besides my eyes, I think everything else about me is pretty plain. I have long straight black hair, fair skin, short (5'2 to be exact), and Im a little more on the curvy side. After I was done with both brushing my teeth and watching my change of eye color, I stripped down and hopped in the shower. 

        I took about a 15 minute shower and took full advantage of those 15 minutes by singing at the top of my lungs and making sure I scrub twice. I wrapped my body in a towel and did the same with my hair before walking back into my bedroom. I did my usual routine by turning the radio on while picking out a simple black tank top and jean shorts for the day. Once I got dressed I let my hair out of the towel, shook it around in the towel and put it back up again while I did my makeup. I decided on light foundation, mascara and lip balm. I was never really a fan of intense eyeshadow as I know I cant pull it off.

When I finished I took my hair back out of the towel and let it air dry while I took out my laptop. I laid down on my bed and quickly went on twitter. I know for a fact Cam hasnt started calling or telling us to start trending #CallMeCam since I get his tweets to my phone, so I started to make drafts of the tweets Im going to send when the time comes. My younger sister, Stacy, came into my room and showed me that she became a B list celebrity in the new Kardashian game that she has become obsessed with lately. 

"What are you doing that you can't even celebrate the fact that I am now a B list celebrity?" Stacy asked with sass.

"Its Wednesday today remember?" I said.

"Ohhhhhh yeaaaa ! Well good luck with that, I hope he calls you, even though your chances are slim haha !", she mocked

"Shutup I know, I dont need any reminders!"

"Okay well if anything happens scream"

"Well of course!" I said and just like that she made her way out of my room.

        An hour passed and Cameron finally tweeted. 

The tweet said, "Use the hashtag #CallMeCam and Ill call some of you guys in about half an hour, get this trending!" 

I was so nervous but quickly started spamming. My tweets basically consisted of how much I wanted this and how Ive tried every week and I just want to be noticed by him. Surely enough Cam started calling people, still telling everyone to keep tweeting using the hashtag. I tried my hardest, typing in all caps, using excessive amounts of emojis, posting nothing but the hashtag, and spacing everything out to make it look like a long tweet in hopes he would notice and pick me. I had no clue how much time had passed but I was in twitter jail, I couldnt tweet anymore, and became hopeless after he said he was about to find the last person that was going to get a call. I was just staring at my timeline with tweet after tweet of girls asking for the chance to talk on the phone with him when my stomach started growling. Thats when I realized that I hadnt eaten anything and it was almost 1pm. 

I decided to stop the torture of staring at my screen like Ive done multiple times on these beloved Wednesdays, got up and walked to the kitchen. I went straight to the fridge and like always theres nothing, so I went to look in the cabinet and found a brand new box of Frosted Flakes. 

"I love you Jesus!" I screamed. I set the box down on the counter and grabbed a bowl and the milk. I poured the cereal and the milk in my bowl and remembered I left my phone in my room so I ran to my room, grabbed it and went back to the kitchen. My phone kept going off with notifications which is extremely unusual since I dont have a big account or anything. I grabbed my bowl and walked towards the table while reading hundreds of tweets directed towards me saying 'congratulations' and 'youre so lucky' and so on. I was confused when I saw it. 

'Cameron Dallas follows you' 

I couldnt breathe. Like, literally. I felt as if I was about to faint. I couldnt scream, move, or do anything. And if that wasnt enough I had a dm. 

My brain was going 100 mph but not understanding what was going on and in complete shock. I was not able to register anything that was going on. The dm was from HIM! 

I had no idea when it happened but my bowl was on the floor broken and I was standing in a puddle of milk.  

I was extremely scared to open the dm. Call me crazy but I was. I didnt feel as if anything was real. Like, CAMERON FUCKING DALLAS JUST FOLLOWED AND DM'D ME! THAT DOESNT HAPPEN TO GIRLS LIKE ME! 

I couldnt react. After about 5 minutes, I think, I came to my senses and clicked on the dm from Cameron.

"Hey babe, can you please send me your number so we can talk for a bit?" 

And how it all started.

----------------------------------------------------------- So this is the first fanfiction Ive ever posted so please be kind ! I know its pretty short but I promise there is more coming really soon and Im trying my best to be good at this because I really do like to write I just dont know if its good or not and I get really indecisive so just bear with me please! Thank you for reading I love you!

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