Chapter Three

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"Ivey?" Pearl asked. "Why won't you answer me?"

How can I tell you? There's no way that I could tell you right now Pearl. I'm sorry, I thought.

Even though Pearl was 13, there was no way I could tell her. She might not understand me yet, despite of her age.

How could I tell Pearl that I had found her when she was three years old. She was covered in mud and blood. Her parents were nowhere to be found. I kept Pearl to keep her safe. There was no way she would make it alive on her own. She needed me.

True there was times I wished I left her there to die. There were many nights where Pearl would cry all night. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't give her milk. She was no longer wearing diapers. I was desperate for her to grow older.

Now that she is older, I knew she wanted to know. I made her believe I was her older sister. I told her mom and dad left but would come back for us.

If I told her it was all a lie, would she runaway and leave me? I couldn't risk it.

"Ivey? You okay?"  Pearl asked. By now she sounded worried.

"Yeah I'm fine. Can we talk later? I want to eat first," I told her.

"Okay. I'm hungry too," agreed Pearl.

I made some scrambled egg. Pearl toasted bread and spread butter.

"What should we have to drink?" Pearl asked me.

"I want coffee. Whatever you want, make some only for you." I replied.

"Well, coffee does sound good right now. I'll just have that."

I laughed. Pearl began to drink coffee at nine years old. She was practically addicted to it.

We ate in silence, most of the time. Pearl would tell me some things about what the other kids would do. I wasn't really paying attention.

I was more worried about her asking me again about our family.

"Are you done eating Ivey?" Pearl suddenly asked me.

I didn't realize that I was done eating.

"Yeah. I am."

Pearl reached over our small table, and grabbed my plate. She went into the kitchen to wash the plates off.

I hope you don't ask me again Pearl. I don't know what to say. I'm afraid to answer you, I thought to myself.

Pearl walked back into the small dinning space and sat down.

"So, will you answer me now?"

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