Chapter Eight

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I woke up feeling weird. I was feeling sticky and hot.

I tried to sit up, but couldn't move. I looked at my arms and legs and saw that I was tied up by ropes.

I looked around and saw that I was in a small room.

"How are you feeling?" someone asked me.

I looked up and saw an old man looking down at me.

He had dark brown skin, gray eyes and hair. He looked pretty tall,  and he had on dirty looking clothes.

He again asked how I was feeling. I then noticed he had an accent.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I am Greg. You are who?"

"What makes you think I'm going to tell you my name?" I could not believe this, he seriously thought I was going to give him my name.

"Seems like someone is moody. Very well, I shall leave you alone." 

He came to my side and took the ropes off my arms and legs.

"So you can be more comfortable miss."

He walked out, and I sat up. I realized I was on a small bed. I got up and noticed there was no door.

"Seriously? I can walk out and he wouldn't even notice."

"Not true, the doorway leads into the living room, where Greg is." said a female voice. 

I recognized the voice.

I turned and was surprised to find someone I know out here.

"Karma? What are you doing here?"

"I live out here after I ran away. Don't you remember?"

"So, you live with him? Why?"

"You honestly thought that I would survive out here? No, you can't survive on your own. You'll die."

I realize now, that I shouldn't have left without Ivey.

"Why are you out here. Where is Ivey?"

I told Karma my story, the way Ivey told me.

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