Telling your family (Tristen)

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"You and Tristan arrived at your parents house to tell them that your pregnant, you're really excited you can't wait to say your pregnant"

"Tristan I can't wait" you excite and squirm In your seat.

"I know baby I am too." Tristan smiles.

"You kiss his cheek and hold his tighter, then you knock on the door, then your dad opens the door and he grins excited when he saw you both"

"Y/N Tristan is so good to you see you both." your dad saids as he pulls you both in a hug.

"Come in your mom and I are watching a movie."your dad said saids as he opens the door wider for you.

"You walk in and went straight to the living room to see your mom"

"hey mom." you say as you hug her.

Hey darling is so good to see you" your mom excite.

"Tristan is good to see you too" your mom says as she hugs him.

Is good to see you too Mrs Y/l." Tristan saids.

"Are you guys hungry we got food If you are?" you dad saids.

"No we good we ate before we got here." Tristan says.

"Okay" your dad smiles.

"Then you guys spent hours of talking, then you and Tristan nod at each other"

"so mom and dad we have some exciting new you want to tell them Tristan." you smile.

"I love to sweetie, Me and Y/N are having a baby." you both smile.

"A Baby? Wow you guys just got married and you already having kids now I mean really." your mom frowns.

"Yeah I mean I know you guys are married and all but a baby now really?" "Your dad asked.

"Yeah I mean we didn't plan it but we are ha..." you said but you were cut off by your mom.

  "Didn't plan it you guys need to be more careful what the hell were you both thinking?" your mom shout a bit.

"Yeah and Tristan what about the band, you will be leaving for tour leaving my daughter and the baby alone this isn't happening." your dad frowns.

"I'm taking off tour a bit to spend time with my family to be there for my wife and my child so everything fine." Tristan saids.

"Are you guys not happy for me and Tristan?" You asked not trying to cry.

"No we not this is going to ruin your marriage if you have this baby at this age!"your mom yells.

"You know what "I don't care what you guys say I'm happy that I'm pregnant and Tristan is too!! You shout.

"Oh Y/N get over yourself maybe you just went his money!!" Your dad shouts.

"Excuse me you know very well I'm not that kind of person, I love Tristan with all my heart and If you don't see that then you don't know me let's go Tristan." you say leaving with Tristan.

"Wait." Tristan stops then turn to your parents.

"For the record this baby is going to be rise the best way possible because, the baby will have amazing parents and you ever say that to Y/N again then i don't you both around my child ever!!" Tristan shouts.

"Then he turns to you and smile you smile back and left your parents house with a smile, you and Tristan went home and talk about your guys baby and Tristan keep repeating that's a boy, then after all the talking you fell asleep on Tristan shoulder as he smiles and rub your belly that holds baby evens"
Aw this is so sad but Tristen will always stick up for you ❤️❤️

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