Telling his family (Connor)

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After you and Connor told your moms that your pregnant, Connor couldn't stop talking about how much he wanted to tell his parents that your pregnant, so you and Connor decided the next day that you guys go to his parents house, you both arrived at his parents and Connor was jumping out of his seat he was so excited and just couldn't wait, you and Connor are at his family front door, you knock on the door, and Connor give your hand a small squeeze and then peck your check. Then door open to reveal Connor dad Simon.

"hey dad." Connor saids with smile.

"Connor, Y/N! Is so good to see you both."Simon saids as he pulls you both in a three way hug.

"Come in come."Simon saids excitedly.

"You both walk in the house, then you walk in the living room to find connor's mom Kelly"

Connor,Y/N is so good to see you both." Kelly so excite and pulls you both in a hug.

"Is good to see you Kelly."you said as you hug her back.

"Is good to see you mom." Connor smiles.

"I'm so happy you both here, sit sit let's talk about what's been going with your marriage life." Kelly giggles.

"You both smile and said what's been going with your marriage, then you Connor both looked at each other and nod"

"so guys me and Y/N have great news."Connor says happily.

What is it love?"Kelly asked.

"Well we happy to say you both are going to be grandparents." you said excited.

"They look at you with their jaw to the floor then it click for them because they stand up and hug you both"

"I'm so happy for you both you guys been wanting this for so long and now that you have a little baby makes me
Happy. "Simon smiles.

"You both smile and Connor kiss your temple"

"I'm going to best grandma ever."Kelly saids in-matter-of-fact-tone. And You all laugh.

"Then talk about the baby then you and Connor went home and talk about baby ball"
Baby ball you lucky baby 👶

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