Well cunt

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Alex=Ghuman sc=shreya

"I can't carry on like this" he solemnly said. "It's not you, it's me, and I need to end this".
"Alex???" SC murmured. "You're not, are you?"
"I'm sorry SC, I have to. I can only keep this up for so long." He mumbled, rubbing his bloodshot eyes. "This is hurting me more than it's hurting you, so please stop tugging on my beard."
Shreya's replied "oh lol soz" removing her hair from his tangled locks.
"So.. um .... anyways, back to what I was saying, i think we need to go on a break." He said softly, his voice breaking. " this has become too much for me and I like spending time with you but it needs to stop, I don't like where this is going."
"Alex, no, please don't." SC pleaded.
"I'm sorry SC, I really am. I hope you can understand. Oh well, here it goes. I don't want to play dodgeball anymore, it's too violent. I don't like it." He stated, shedding a tear.
"ALEX HOW COULD YOU!!!!!???? I CANT BELIEVE YOU. After everything I've done, this is how you repay me??? You know what, fuck you Alex, FUCK YOU." She wailed, her aqua eyes glimmering under the sports hall lights. SC stormed off into the corner and cried. She whispered "Ah Bisto" releasing her massive load. Her beard surrounding her like a blanket which she quietly sat in, silently crying. Why would Alex do such a thing? He knows she loves playing dodgeball especially with him, then he just takes it all away. The Audacity.

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