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N/A: nyaaa >\\\< u guys are so sweet. Thanks for reading this boook.

Also, guys (if there are some here), please don't bash Momoland. I think it's kinda unfair to judge them so harshly because of one incident :) thanks!

Also, for the bottom jin sectors, damn i love u guys so much. We're so silent and peaceful lol. ***************** are already fighting trololololol it's a mess in twitter. Lets keep it this way :) (the peacefulness).


It's been two months since Seokjin had started hanging out with them again.

When Taehyung and Jimin met Seokjin, all in his scented and youthful glory, the two automatically jumped on him, hugging him tight, and whining sweet nothings on his neck.

So much for sturdy Alphas.

But Seokjin is not complaining. It made him feel secure and loved... well, he really is though.

In the second meeting, held in Taehyung's manor this time, Seokjin brought a red-head Alpha with passable sharp features, height rivaling Seokjin, and unsurprisingly buff body, all so clingy with Seokjin. Much to their delight really. Seokjin said he's Hwang Junghan, a friend he met in America and they studied in the same school and pretty much lived in the same complex.

Jungkook noticed something odd lately, with Seokjin and his schedules and reactions specifically.

There are days where Seokjin is too sensitive: doesn't want to be touched, doesn't want to be talked with, and overall, he's just too fidgety when near them and extremely dismissive towards Jungkook. Jimin understands of course. They're Alphas! No matter how inviting Seokjin looks, how warm he feels, or how sensible and demure he is sometimes, it can be too weird if Alphas gets too clingy to another Alpha. It's not their fault too that Seokjin just emits that feeling, but it's not also Seokjin's fault that he feels awkward.

There are also days, at least a week and more or so two weeks, that they won't find any evidence of him.

They tried to communicate with him, but his cellphone's dead, his parents does not have any clue, and even so, Junghan, who claims to be Seokjin's friend, had also no degree of knowledge where could Seokjin be.

Jungkook also noticed how sweeter and stronger the scent in the Kim's residence when Seokjin is missing too.

This happened twice already. At least one week in every month, he'll be absent to the world and comeback as refreshed and vibrant as ever a week and a half later.

And when the half of the month hits, Seokjin will start to shift back to his dismissive and cold self, at the end of the month, he'll disappear, and in the start of another month, he comes back like nothing happened.

"So where exactly are you taking me?"

Jungkook looks back at him from the rear-view mirror with a disturbing grin. He can be too mischievious for all Seokjin knows. He glances on his side of the window and he sees trees becoming immaterial as Jungkook pedals harder and the car roars to life.

"You forgot what day today is didn't you?"

"Hm?" Seokjin cocks a brow, "What?"

"It's Hunting Day, silly." Jungkook enthuses, looking back to the road, not noticing the paling of Seokjin's face. "You know? Alphas gather in the edge of the forest to race and capture as many preys as you can?"

Seokjin didn't say anything.

"Well, yeah, we're going and Jimin and Tae is already there booking us a spot."

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