Chapter 05 - Happiness & Dilemmas

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*Ariana's point of view*

The pumpkin orange autumn sky complimented the beautiful vibrant autumn leaves that scattered across the grass so effortlessly. Jai and I sat outside comfortably on the hammock that was positioned in between two colourful trees swaying ourselves backwards and then forwards as we whispered sweet nothings to each other. Our fingers intertwined with each other's as we admired how beautiful an image we were surrounded by. Today is our last few hours in Kansas City which is both a sad thing because its such a lovely place but also a good thing because I really do miss LA. I cannot deny that myself and the group have enjoyed such great times together but also the scariest of times that I really wish I could forget.

I rested my head on Jai's shoulder cherishing every moment that we had with each other as he planted a light kiss on my forehead making me feel all warm inside. I really feel so safe when I am with him like nothing can ever hurt because he'll always be there to heal me and just keep a smile on my face. He's doing that thing again.. I can't describe it but it melts my heart and it kind of drives me insane.. it's like he's just staring into my eyes for a long time and I can just feel his undying love for me. The fact that he can make me laugh on days when I only want to cry is more than any one girl has the right to ask for, and I am so glad he has chosen to love me, and allow me to love him. I'm being mushy again.. but thats okay because I really do love him.

"Oh now you two want some air!" Jai and I heard a voice interrupting my daydreaming.

We squinted as the sunlight shone in the direction of the voice as we noticed it was Isaac dressed in tight black jeans, a cashmere jumper and a chanel scarf around his neck clearly ignoring how beautiful the weather was. He made his way over to us laughing to himself as he kicked his way through the vibrant leaves.

"What?" I asked him stopping the swaying of the hammock incredibly worried that he might of heard something I wouldn't want anyone to hear.

"You two, and your night time sound effects keeping me up last night." He revealed as he sat down in front of us the most disapproving look all over his face.

"Oh.. my.. god.." I muttered feeling absolutely mortified as I buried my head into Jai's shoulder. Jai laughed putting an arm around me.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, I'm sure everybody heard anyway, but... please remind me to never room right next to you guys again!" Isaac went on gesturing that he was going to be sick.

"Deal!" I replied still absolutely mortified while Jai didn't seem to care.

"Okay, I gotta go finish pack, try not to destroy each other.. I'm just kidding!" Isaac went on skipping back inside the leaves making a crunching sound as he walked through them.

"Never again...I don't know how you could find this funny.. I mean imagine everyone did hear us.. that's including my mom." I explained to him feeling incredibly embarrassed as he looked at me concerned.

"I'll try and make you more quiet next time.." He giggled nudging me playfully as I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Shut up!" I giggled pushing him making him fall off the hammock on to the pile of leaves. He laughed loudly putting his hand out for me to help him up.

"Help me! Help!" He barked laughing uncontrollably with his hands out. I made my way off the hammock in order to help him up but before I could even try and pull him up I was on the ground with him.

"What did you do that for?" I exclaimed hitting him playfully as he threw a dozen leaves all over me. I fought back making my way on top of him rubbing the leaves in his hair as he giggled loudly tickling my sides as we both couldn't control our laughter.

You're My One and Only (A Jariana Fanfic) - Jai Brooks and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now