Chapter Five

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A.N - Oh hello there, long time no see. Yes, I am very much alive. I might have taken a 4 month break, but I'm back now and that's what counts, right? You might want to go back and recap on this story just a bit, but at least it's only like 4 chapters.

I'm currently writing the next chapter of "She's Back" *hurray* so that should be up soon. I'm really sorry I just abandoned these stories, I hope you can forgive me.

Also, if there's any typos I'm sorry, I'm typing wearing false nails and honestly it's a nightmare.


According to Jughead Jones, mornings were pure evil. The sound of his alarm made him want to tear his ears from his head, it's cold out of his bed, and to be honest, if the sun wasn't up, he shouldn't be either. Breakfast would consist of a strong cup of black coffee to keep him alive, and if he was feeling particularly adventurous, a piece of toast. As an avid food lover, one would assume that the Jones boy would have a fry up for breakfast, but even he couldn't stomach a meal so early. Give it a few hours, however, and he would be feasting on whatever was available from the vending machine or if he was lucky, Archie's morning round at Pop's.

The whole morning routine would be made up of him trying not to fall back asleep. The shower was especially a challenge in that field. To make matters worse, he had to climb on his bike and drive straight into the mouth of hell. Or as it was more commonly known - school.

Perhaps he was a tad dramatic.

This morning, however, was different. He woke up feeling unusual, something he wasn't used to. Excitement, perhaps? But about what, or who? For the first time in what seemed like forever, Jughead was on his motorbike in 20 minutes, already heading to school.

There weren't many people around as classes didn't start for another good hour, so he made his way to the Blue and Gold to begin the draft for next weeks paper. As he reached to open the door, a voice startled him. "Hey Jug." It was Archie, guitar in hand. Jumping slightly, he breathed a chuckle, turning to face his best friend. "Give a guy a warning Arch."
"Right, sorry. I didn't expect you to be here so early. I was just getting in some rehearsal time." He gestured to the instrument in his hand, before looking around cautiously to check no one else was around, "Hey, um, while you're here... can I ask you something? Has, erm, Veronica said anything about me recently? You know, out of the ordinary?"

Jughead stared at his friend for a moment, confused. Was Archie seriously asking him - Jughead Jones - for intel on his crush?

"Erm, I'm not sure I'm the most qualified person to ask about this. Besides, it's not like     V and I sit around, braiding each other's hair and gossiping." Archie's eyes dropped to the floor, looking a little embarrassed. "Look," Jug sighed, "if you like her, why don't you just ask her out? If she says no, your ego with be somewhat knocked, but I'm sure with enough bench presses you'll build it back up-" He stopped suddenly, his eye catching someone inside the Blue and Gold.

Betty Cooper, headphones in, writing intently on her notepad. He couldn't help but appreciate the artistic beauty of it all, a beautiful blonde, oblivious to anything but her pen and paper, the beginning of a sunrise shining through the window, casting onto the left side of her face. It was like a painting, or the start of a novel.

He wondered what that novel would be called.

Eyes quickly shifting back to Archie, Jughead blinked, regaining slight focus on the conversation. "Ask her. What's the worst that could happen? Catch you later." And with that he opened the door to the newspaper room, leaving Archie to mumble a response that sounded like "She could hear me."

Betty didn't notice his arrival, music perhaps too loud, or maybe she was too focused. It didn't really matter. For in the moments he stood there, she seemed so at ease, so peaceful. If it was possible for a person to have no worries, this would be what you would envision that person to look like. But for some reason, Jughead had the feeling that inside, there was nothing but turmoil.

He wasn't sure where he got the inkling from, but somehow, it made sense. A girl beyond her time, a pretty face and a beautiful soul that seemed to hide a thousand years behind her eyes, as though she'd seen things a girl so young should never have seen. The pills in her bag, the sudden transfer to a new town and a new school in the middle of a semester, overbearing parents. There was something about Betty Cooper that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Which was what made her so intriguing.

The moment of eloquent silence had passed, as Betty had removed her headphones and was smiling almost too brightly at him. No one was that happy so early. Another suggestion of her perfect facade, perhaps. Usually, Jughead would have found himself scowling at whoever grinned at him at such a ridiculous hour, and yet he found himself returning the grin she gave him. "Morning, Jug."
"G'morning Betts. Isn't it a little early to be here of all places?"
She chuckled slightly, closing her notebook. "I could ask you the same thing. Call it a well deserved break from my parents. They only really let me leave the house for school and occasional gatherings."
"Woah. You're like a modern-day Rapunzel."

She laughed, but it didn't quite reach her eyes, tugging at her sweater sleeve. "Maybe my handsome prince will climb my hair to rescue me. Although the physics of that is all wrong and I think it might hurt a bit."
"He could just try a ladder?"
"Looses the romance, I think. Imagine if he stood below the window shouting 'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your ladder'. Although I suppose he could bring his own."

And that is exactly what Jughead Jones did.

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