Look at what we've done
Our air is dirty
Our planet is dying
Our oceans have plastic in them
So congratulationsLook at all we've accomplished
Narcotics kill our neighbors
Some children are shot in schools
Others shoot themselves because we turn a blind eye to the fact that they need our help
And our elderly are robbed and beaten by those who are supposed to help them
So congratulationsLook at our success everyone
Families are torn apart at borders
Others are killed separately by terrorists
And even more tear themselves apart
So congratulationsWe've done it
We have started the downfall of humanity
All because we turn a blind eye to those in need
Those being bullied, those being killed
Those struggling with addiction, those dying of mental health needs
So congratulations everyoneBut
After all this bad
There is some good after allSome are getting the help they need
People are planting trees and plastic usage is down
People are being educated
We are trying
So congratulations171 words
Poetry to stop the voices//late night poetry
Poesiethese are poems i write to help clear my head and to get my thoughts out on a moments notice The updates on this book will be sparatic and not very well formulated These poems are usually written at either midnight or around then so please forgive a...