Unlikely love song//the star and the flower

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There once was a lonely flower
She grew on a lonely hill
Each night she cried for a friend
For someone to hold her
For someone to love her

The poor flower
Her petals all wilted
And her throws grew sharp and jagged
Her leaves died
And her love for herself soon followed

One night, she looked up
And there was a star
He shone faintly
Yet he was still shining
He looked down, and saw her
And they shared a smile

The flower and the star
The two closest friends
The two most unlikely friends

One night, the flower heard the star crying
She didn't know how, but she started growing
She grew and grew until she reached him
She held him and she cried with him

Her smile
Her eyes
Her hug
They all saved the poor stars life
On that fateful night

The star shone brighter
Little did he know that the flower needed him
While he was there, she flourished
She cherished every moment with him
His light helped her grow
And her love helped him shine

So please forgive
The trials and tribulations
Through the verses
And choruses
Of our unlikely love song

198 words

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