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Doctor Jones POV

The girl wouldn't cooperate so I went with an easier method and injected her with a knock out injection. After so she instantly feel to the floor. I do believe  we might have to that a lot in the future, hopeful she won't get to where it won't work. Anyways time to get some testing done, so first things first we'll  need some blood work done.

time skip

Half way through the tests she started waking up, just in time to cause she needs to be a wake for the rest after this one.

Reader POV

I woked up tied to a chair, looking around I soon realized i was in a new room, most likely a lab based on the designed. Knowing it was useless to try and escaped I didn't even try. So I sit still  and waited for Doctor Bitch to tell me whats gonna happen.

30 mins later

surprisingly all that happen was a few test then lunch with question. The lunch wasn't as crappy as I thought I do admit, and the question well they was about parts of life I didn't wanted to remember let alone speak about. Today wasn't bad here but I still think it bad.

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