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Reader POV

After the tests I was forced to go back to the room from this morning. Now the room really didn't have much in it beside a bed, a desk, and chair. And on top of  the desk was some paper and pencil. Bored at of my mind I started drawing. It started of as an abandoned building but it ended up becoming something like this:

 It started of as an abandoned building but it ended up becoming something like this:

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Drawing isn't a good skill of mine but I still like it. Although I was going for an abandoned building it kinda looks like a haunted barn or something. Eh either way I actually think it looks somewhat decent. Anyways since it getting late I think I'll might just head to bed, that way I'll be able to think of a plan to get out but it needs to be reasonable and unsuspected, so with that in mind i went to bed so tomorrow can start.

Weak but Deadly ( Splenderman x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now