2 - A Friend

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It's been only a day since Lord Zeldris has been here and he doesn't really talk to me.

"I've made lunch, come eat" I said as I placed the food onto the table, his response was just slumping onto the couch of which he slept on.

He chose to sleep on the couch since he refused to sleep on my bed, I had said I would take the couch but he didn't let me.

"Lord Zeldris you need to eat~ you didn't eat dinner yesterday" I said and he just looked away.

As if one cue his stomach rumbled, indicating he was hungry for some food.

I smirked as he slowly got up and walked to the table and took a seat, I sat across from him and smiled as I began to eat some food.

He slowly but surely ended up finishing his plate of the food I made.

"So what exactly am I? I mean since you said I'm not human" I asked as I washed the dishes, my back was to him so I couldn't see anything he was doing.

"You're going to figure that out on your own" he said and I could feel his smirk that he had played on his lips as usual.

I slumped my shoulders slightly as I dried my hands since I had just finished washing the dishes we had used, I turned to look at him and our eyes met but we didn't break eye contact.

"That doesn't help me"

"It wasn't meant to"

I groaned as I threw my head back in annoyance.

"Okay well I have to get going" he said as he sauntered towards the door and my brows furrowed, my heart felt a tug as he decided he wanted to leave so soon.

I walked towards him as his hand touched the door handle.

"Well visit anytime, I'm a friend and I enjoy your company. Have a good day Lord Zeldris" I smiled as my eyes shut.

I opened them and when I did I saw him smiling, not smirking, wow.

I opened them and when I did I saw him smiling, not smirking, wow

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