7 - Thank You

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After cleaning that whole mess up I ended up going home at around 9 pm and I was pretty tired, I don't think I was going to eat.

Maybe I could shower and then sleep that sounds pretty perfect to me.

When I was halfway to my house I heard a rustle in the bushes and I turned slowly, yet I saw nothing.

I continued my walking but began taking longer strides just so I could get home faster.

Suddenly I had a hand over my mouth and I let out a muffled scream.

Two pairs of hands were on my body as another pair was holding my hands behind my back and covering my mouth, panic began to settle itself inside of me until suddenly the hands were gone and the men began to scream.

Next thing I know all the men are knocked out and I saw it was Meliodas who had protected me.

I hugged him thankfully but quickly released from the hug.

"Thank you but I need to get home now" I smiled and he nodded.

"Don't be late to work tomorrow" he said and I nodded, I clutched the bag I had in my hands tighter, the bag contained the dress I wore when I first got there.

I saw no point in changing into since I would just change into something else and that would be been more work.

When I got home I shut the door and quickly made my way towards the bathroom and began to run a warm bath, when it got to a good amount I undressed and slowly slid into the bath.

I sighed in content and shut my eyes as I rested my back against the bath.

"Hello again" I heard and immediately my eyes shot open and I covered my chest.

To my dismay it was only Zeldris and I sighed gratefully.

"You gave me a scare! Don't do that" I said and watched as he undressed and joined me in the bath.

He sat behind me in the bath and he began to pepper kisses on my back, suddenly he stopped and began to sniff me.

"Zeldris, what are you~" I was cut off by him griping my arms tightly, not tight enough to hurt me obviously.

"Why do you smell like my brother?" He asked and suddenly he grabbed my wrist.

"And what the hell happened to your wrist?" He asked me.

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