War With The Generals

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It has been a year full of murders, codes and ciphers
But is it just the beginning or is the game finally over?
Will it be the end to the mystery?
Or is it just to confuse Lorelei, Alistair and Loki?

Sure they have eliminated the late Bastien Montreal
But can they also stop Augustus Moran?
Is it a brilliant idea to befriend Jamie,
Or is she really an ally of Moriarty?

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.
Is it time to heal the scar or just continue with the war?
Is Stein Alberts really the napoleon of crime,
Or is Luthor the one behind the line?

The sword has been wield and the blood has been shed
But I think it's time to reveal the spider's threads
Will we stop the belladonna or will we reach euphoria?
But let us all cheer for the success of AkoSiIbarra.

—J.Z. Jimenez

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