Starco One-Shots: 3

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Title: The New Boy.

Mini Description: Star is bullied, suddenly a new boy comes and helps her.

P.S. Star is NOT magical in this mini story.

Narrator's Pov:

Star woke up ready for another day. Another normal, bad day.

She got up and stretched, yawning in the process and headed to her bathroom- which is in her room.

Star's family is very rich. She can have anything she wants, but she doesn't want much.
Her parents are almost always at business trips and barely even remember about her. They do call and text but they barely see each other.

She doesn't let people at school know about her 'richyness'. She knows that wont go well.

She has a few friends and what sucks is that she along with her friends all get bullied. Her beat friends are, Janna, Ferguson, and Alfonzo. They've all been best friends since elementary.

She did her daily morning routine of brushing her teeth, taking a quick shower, changing, and brushing her hair.

She was wearing a black and white slightly loose shirt with some slightly ripped blue jeans.

She quickly slipped on her shoes, she prefers to sleep as much as possible, and she doesn't like being at school early.

She went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. She opened it and threw the wrapper away then headed to the living room to grab her bag for school.

She stands infront of the closed door and sighs. She looks around the place, obviously not wanting to leave. She opens the door and starts to head out.

"Hey guys." Star greets as she walked over to the back of the school building in a corner. They always go there and always wait for one another, so if one doesn't go to school one day, they have to text on their group chat so they don't wait. No matter how late it is, they wait to go into hel- school, I mean, together.

They waved at her with smiles on their faces, "Hey Star!" The three greeted.

They all walked into the school together and headed with Star to her locker, they all ready put their stuff up so now they just wait for Star.

First period is the only class all three of them are together. Some just consist of two of her friends, one, or maybe even none!

Luckily the halls were almost completely empty so they didn't have ant trouble making it to their first class.


"Hey! I'll meet you guys there. I need to get my food from my locker." Star called after her friends. They all turned to look at her and nodded, then started to walk to their usual seat.

Star turned around to walk to her locker and grab her lunch. Little did she know she was being followed. 

"Hey! Didn't see you in the morning." The preppy girl, Brittany, smirked. Star winced at the sound of her voice. She wasen't going to get out of this.

She turned around and faced her, only to see that she wasen't alone, but with some guys from the football team and the some girls from the cheerleading team.

Star's eyes widened, "W-what?" She stuttered. Sure they through would hurt her with words but it seemed a bit different this time.

The little gang looked at one another then turned to look at Star with a smirk.

Brittany then snapped her fingers then pointed at Star. The football players cracked their knuckles and stalked over to her. Star pushed herself against the lockers, hoping they would swallow her, but of course that wasen't going to happen.

Suddenly the leader of the football players raised his fist at her. She closed her eyes and hoped it was just a dream.

As the fist was just about to connect her cheek l, a new voice was heard.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" A guys voice yelled.

Everyone turned to look at the source of the sound, except Star who was still crouched down in fear.

The young boy walked over to them in a threating way.

"Get. Away. Now." He growled out. He wasen't a special boy. He wasn't taller than the football players it buff, but the way he said it and stood his ground, made them nod their head and scurry away.

He softened his face and walked over to the blonde and crouched down next to her

"Hey," The brown haired boy whispered at the girl. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the boy infront if her.

He smiled, "I'm Marco." He gave her his hand. She carefully took it and stood up.


He opened his mouth to say something but got cut off.

"Yo Star, what's taking so lon- wait. Who's that?" Janna's voice asked as she came into the hallway along with Ferguson and Alfonzo.

Marco and Star turned to look at the young teens.

"I'm Marco." He introduced himself.




Each of them introduced themselves.

Marco nodded and scratch the back of his neck.
"Uhh i'm new here." Marco told them.

"Oh cool! You need help?" Star asked. She was one of those not-many girls that forgot about things and always keeps being positive. She's always a happy bundle of joy no matter what happens to her.

Marco turned to look at her with a smile, "Uh if you can. Please." He replied.

All if Star's friends smiled, "Of course we can!" Ferguson exclaimed. "But first lunch!" He added, which made the rest laugh.

Janna, Ferguson, and Alfonzo started their way to the cafeteria to finish eating.

"Let's go!" Star grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the lunch room.
He was going to ask her if she was okay, but she seems like it.

He smiled and let the girl drag him.

That was the beginning of a new friendship.


Sorry if this was crappy. I really am.

Not much to say, so goodbye!

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