1- Mark

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"Here!" I yell running into the big house my bestest friend Ashten calls home.

The moment the word leaves my lips I here thumping upstairs and then footsteps flying down the stairs. Then appears the said boy in his wolf form.

I giggle bending down letting his puppy form run into me. I grin.

I hear chuckles from behind not really paying to much attention. "They see each other every single day without fail yet they always act like it's the end of the world when seperate." I know that voice to be Ashtens mom Ayla, she must have come from the kitchen or living room.

I turn around in time to see my mom laugh and respond "Yes I know and when they see each other again it's like the whole world is right again. That reminds me I hope you don't mind but John and I have business with the Alpha and Luna tonight it might be late but we can come get Ashlen when we are done-"

I cut my mom off yelling "can I stay the night?!" Ashten wiggles my arms and yipps giving puppy eyes to our moms.

They just smile. Ayla responds "That is fine by me, as long as you both eat all your food and get into the bath without complaint, AND you will help clean up your birthday party remains." We had our seventh birthday party yesterday and there was still some decorations up.

We groan but agree to the woman's demands.

As we walk back up the stairs our mom's gossip about the pack and such. We make it to Ashtens room quickly and I jump onto his bed face down. I hear the cracking if his bones and turn around to see him shifting back. He has a look of pain from shifting, we have only been able to for a few days now so it still hurts.

He shakes it off then gives me a toothy grin before launching his naked self at me. I squeak when his arms wrap around me. "Put some clothes on!" I shout.

He only laughs releasing me to lay on the bed beside me. "Clothes don't like me. I'm gonna become a nudist."

I give him a look of disbelief. "Well I think you look very handsome in the clothes I pick out." I look to the side pouting.

He shoots up into a sitting position. "Then what are you waiting for?! Go get my clothes."

I smile "Ok!"

I get him a t shirt from his closet that says 'Stop staring my GIRLFRIEND doesn't like it' and a pair of jean shorts that reach his knees. I grab his underwear from the drawer then throw them at him.

He raises a eye brow "Really? Stop staring my GIRLFRIEND doesn't like it? Isn't this the shirt you got me?"

I giggle "Yup and I haven't seen you wear it yet."

He laughs again before standing and dressing. "This shirt screams possesive."

I grin and hold up a mirror. "See, handsome."

He grins plopping back on the bed. I sit next to him. "So when do you think things will go back to normal?" He asks me.

By normal he means the excessive sleep overs and not leaving each other's sight for more than a few minutes. That's how it's been since we were babies, heck we wouldn't sleep without the other so our parents were forced to stay together most of the time. But recently we haven't been allowed to go outside without our mom's or my dad and we haven't had a sleepover in days! DAYS! Like what the heck.

"I'm not sure, my mom says the rogues are starting to come really close to our territory. She only ever talks about it when she thinks I'm not listening too." I mumble.

"That doesn't sound good. My mom said that if something isn't done soon they will attack... and this time it'll be worse."

Ashten's dad was killed by a rouge wolf a few years ago and this just brings back bad memories. I drape my arm over his shoulders. "If anything happens you'll find me right?" He asks me.

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