3- King

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The growl just gets louder and everyone seems terrified, excpt... to me it sounds familiar. It sounds like somone I know.

My head whips in the direction of the so called enemy to see a man standing at the very back on a table no doubt to get a better look at who was screaming at each other so loudly. He has long black ash grey hair pulled into a pony tail and dark smokey hazel eyes. He is built lean but its obvious even from this distance that he barely has an ounce of fat on him, that is a little disappointing since chubby people are more cuddly but I guess that doesn't matter. He wears leather in the same brown shade as I do, the top is open in the front revealing not only hard muscles but... a tattoo like a sun spiralling around his belly button.

My eyes go wide and I end up in a sprint pushing the warriors aside like they are nothing but flies. My scream echoes across the field. "ASHTEN!" My throat is starting to hurt from all the yelling but I don't care.

His name seems to pull him out of his trance as he jumps from the table and starts running as well. I make it into the open space first and don't bother stopping, I continue running right into the Rouges who don't know what to do but part for him and I. We run right into each other arms snaking around each other and both of us holding on like the other was water in a dessert.

Tears prick my eyes when I pull away to look at him again, he does the same. Then I look up into his face and pure happiness washes over me.

"You're alive..." I whisper.

His eyes soften and small smile plays his lips. "And so are you. I thought you were... gone... When I saw all of your blood by the feral and I couldn't track you. I-I was taken in by some Rouges after that but I always made sure my mark was showing so that if you were alive you could hear about me and come." His eyes water but no tears fall.

I laugh lightly. "Some passing pack found me by the dead feral and took me in, I was adopted by the alpha and Luna, and I always hid my mark because it was all I had left of you and I never wanted to let others even look at it because it is mine. I never heard of anything about Rouges because the pack didn't want to bring back memories of you, especially since I already torture them with break downs monthly." I sniffle.

His smile deepens. "I missed you so much. Even with you in my arms I still do."

I grin. "I tend to have that effect on people."

A low rumble comes from his chest as he gently places his lips on mine for a brief moment. "I really hope you aren't in their arms, or I'll fear for their safety." His eyes are pitch black and his minty breath brushes against my skin sending tingles down my spine.

Before I can say anything I notice that Riley and Ray have been trying to link me. I groan remembering what's going on.

"Luna! What's going on? Who is Ashten and why are you hugging the Rouge king?!" Ray gets out completely panicked.

I raise and eyebrow catching my mates attention. "So you're the rumored Rouge King? The all powerful mystery?"

He smirks. "That would be me. So you're a Luna now?" Suddenly his face becomes grim and nervous. "You didn't mate with anyone... right?"

I almost laugh. "No. I inherited the role and my adoptive parents didn't make me marry, especially since the alpha is supposed to be stronger than their Luna, you know be the warrior of the two, but since I can even BEAT the alpha king one on one that's a difficult role. Plus I'm not capable of finding other people handsome if they don't have the oddest hair color and rock solid body, not to mention they need to have a beautiful tattoo on their stomach."

Oh right Ray asked me a question. "Ashten would be my mate, and he happens to be the big bad wolf called the Rouge King. I don't know what's happening and I don't give a fuck what's happening."

Over the whispers I hear Rays voice. "Wait, what?!"

I chuckle turning in Ashtens arms to face where her voice came from to see two identical faces pushing through the enemy to no doubt get a good look at my mate. Finally they are in the circle with Ashten and I.

"This is him?" Riley pants wide eyed walking up to us and examining him.

"Yes." I look back up to him with a gentle expression. He looks at the two girls a bit boredly before looking back at me and smiling.

"Well he seems to only have eyes for you so I like him." Ray concludes getting her sister to nod in agreement.

"Are we taking him home or merging Rouges into the pack or leaving the pack or what?" Riley asks.

She knows I won't leave the pack but I don't know if I should ask him to leave the Rouges or become apart of the pack. I look up into his eyes.

He has a thoughtful expression then becomes serious. "Want to change the world? Or live the semi quiet life?" He asks me.

This throws me for a loop. "Change the world?" It reminds me of when we were kids and wanted to make a difference, like freeing slaves and making laws to protect packs from their alphas mistreatment and give people a voice.

He smirks. "I know you remember our talks about it. Now we could make all of those talks a reality. Want to?"

I feel Riley and Ray's confusion and cautiousness. But I just wipe the confused expression off my face and smile. "You should know the answer to that. Of course I choose to change the world."

He lifts me up spinning me. "God I missed you."

I just laugh putting my arms over his shoulders hugging him close. This isn't going to be easy. This means we have to go against the Alpha king and take the throne, then merge Rouges into packs and create groups for lone wolves.

He sets me down kissing my face all over. Startling a giggle out of me.

"Did she just giggle?" I hear Ray whisper to Riley.

"Mm. I think we discovered why it is our Luna is such a complete downer. Even after all these years it was him. I thought that was just her personality now." Riley responds shocked.

I just ignore them and enjoy my mate because soon enough we are going to have to go over there and talk to the alpha king.

But I'm too enthralled in his stunning presence that when the rage filled snarl echoes I don't pay it any mind. Good thing Ray and Riley do because they snap me out of the trance called my mate.

"Luna the alpha king isn't going to sit by any longer.

"Yeah yeah let's get this show on the road. We can have playtime after taking the throne." I mumble into his shoulder.

He gently sets me on the ground with a big smile, "change to offensive stance 7." He says just loud enough for the rouges to hear. "Ready to be a queen?"

"Born ready, King." I tell him.

The end.

I know I know it's a cliffhanger but I just dont feel like this is my best work so if you want a sequel vote and comment!

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