Chapter 7: Gifts and Goodbyes

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Hope you like this chapter.

The X-Men agreed to travel back to Wakanda with the Wakandan army so that T'challa could give Percy his things before they returned to their mission. Of course Storm and Cyclops had a problem with that but everyone ignored their complaints.

They traveled for hours back to Wakanda and they finally got back to the city by the afternoon. The warriors of Wakanda returned home to their relieved families while T'challa, the generals, Percy, and the X-Men went to the palace.

They reached the palace and T'challa told the X-Men to wait outside while he and Percy went up to Shuri's laboratory. When they entered, T'challa said "Shuri." She was over by a set of computers typing something into the system.

"Oh!" she said, "you are back. Did it go well?" T'challa nodded.

"Tetu is dead" he said. Shuri clapped.

"Good job my brother" she said.

"Unfortunately, Percy has chosen to leave us this day" T'challa said. "He will accompany a different group of people on a search for someone. Do you have the things that we made for him?" Shuri nodded.

Shuri nodded. "It is a thank you gift for what you have done for us. Here is the first one."

She led him to a machine that had a hole in it the same shape as an arm. "What does it do?" Percy asked.

"Just put your arm in it" Shuri said. Percy put his arm  in the hole. Shuri then rushed over to a computer and typed something in. Immediately, Percy's arm started to feel funny. He giggled as a tickling sensation ran through his arm. It felt weird and Percy squirmed as what ever process was going on took place.

After about ten minutes. The feeling stopped. "You can remove your arm now" Shuri said. Percy removed his arm from the hole but when he did, he was shocked. Instead of the silver color of vibranium, the arm now looked like, well, a regular arm. It was the exact same color as Percy's and every single muscle was exactly the same.

"How... what the..."

"The arm is still made out of vibranium, it just looks like a regular arm now. Now, People will not be freaked out when they see your arm" Shuri said.

"Wow, thank you" Percy said, astonished.

"Oh, we are not finished yet" Shuri said. She led him over to another machine that looked a lot like a giant 3d printer. Shuri opened it and what she brought out amazed Percy.

It was a four foot long sword. "The blade is made out of vibranium and so is the hilt. We wrapped the hilt in leather. Do you like it?"

"It's amazing" Percy said. "Thank you so much."


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