Hand To Hand Training Doubles

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Jubilee had been working on trying to track down information on this ... person ... for a few days now, and she was pretty well convinced there was just nothing to find when Scott poked his head in to check up on her progress.

"Any luck?" he asked.

"I'm pretty sure this is a fake name. Or letter. Or whatever," Jubilee said with a frown. "Fingerprints are coming back as negative to everything too. She doesn't exist on file."

Scott looked only a little surprised as he shook his head. "I suspected the name might not be helpful, but the fingerprints too?" he muttered.

"Not even the DNA profiles that Dr. Blue ran," Jubilee said as she spun in her chair. "Nothing. So — she's not now and never has been registered anywhere with anyone, and I don't even know how she would be."

"There's got to be something," Scott said thoughtfully, almost leaning over her shoulder. "I doubt she just appeared in the middle of a Wyoming bar."

"Well I tell you what, Oh Fearless Leader," Jubilee said, making a show of scooting her chair out of his way so he could take over on the computer if he wanted. "You come up with something and I'll run it down, but so far — I can't do anything with what I have, and any attempt to even look at a SHIELD anything with any of that information tagged on it? Blue screen of death. More or less."

Scott paused, glanced at the computer, let out a sigh, and then just nodded. "Thanks for trying," he said — before he broke into a small smile and stepped back, jerking his thumb over his shoulder. "How about we get you out of the computer room? I was headed out to run down a lead anyway, just a quick recon. I could use the company."

"Yes, please," she said before she all but bounded out of her chair and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He just grinned right back at her as he returned the hug. "It's the least I can do after making you chase ghosts for days," he told her.

"You didn't make me," Jubilee defended. "It's for everyone's safety, right? And it was more than I could get done over the other thing I was working on anyhow."

"Maybe I can help that that," Scott offered, setting her back down gently.

"Well sure, if you know who in SHIELD is in charge of SWORD," Jubilee said with a little laugh, not expecting an answer at all.

"At the very top?" Scott asked with a light shrug. "Unless something changed recently, it should be the assistant director."

"Wait, what?" Jubilee asked, totally taken off guard. "Are you kidding me right now?"

Scott looked surprised at her reaction. "No," he said quickly. "I dig some digging years back — why?"

"Let me — let me just chew on that for a little bit," Jubilee said, going from wide-eyed surprised to narrowed-eyed suspicion and anger the more she let that new information simmer. "I need to think this over before I say anything." She had a deep frown on her face that looked like it was just fueling her anger.

Scott tilted his head at her curiously but said, "Take your time."

She let out a breath and tried to get back some of her smile as she looked up at him. "Okay. So. What are we doing exactly about this K woman?"

"Just making sure Creed doesn't try and come after her for now," Scott told her frankly. "I found a lead, but I'm not sure it's solid, and I want to check it out."

"I thought Kate was blowing smoke on that," Jubilee said. "He's really after her that hard?"

"Seems like it," Scott agreed. He smiled at her almost sheepishly as he added, "That's part of why I was pushing you to dig deeper. She won't tell anyone why he's after her, and so far, she's been more stubborn than Logan on doing an evaluation. Refuses to even defend herself — and I doubt Victor Creed is on the look out for a pacifist."

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