... like a Royal meeting

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Part two Yay! Ok lets get serious.

"My Princess!" She gasped, reluctantly she began standing up.

" And here I thought we were on a first name basis Iindila? You are always so formal with me." The Princess said folding her arms under her chest.( A/N-is that the right concept? Oh well)

"Princess Ndahambelela-" Iindila said looking everywhere but at the princess

"Iindila." The Princess said warning.

"My apologies please forgive me,  Lela." Iindila said addressing the Princess the way she requested. This earned her a satisfied smile from the Princess. The Princess wore a deep red colored cloth with pink ornaments around her waist, and white beads around her neck.

"Iindila have you heard the good news?!" Lela exclaimed

"About the Prince my Princess? I mean Lela?"

"Yes, and I must say mother is going wild she is fussing about so much around the palace. Apparently its all preparation for her future daughter-in-law, and all the maids are petrified." Lela said

" It cant possibly be that bad." Iindila said trying to make light of the situation.

"Oh trust me its that bad, Dad and I are beginning to think she is either bleeding or we might add another member to the royal family apart from the future princess!" Lela said making her see the gravity of the situation back at the palace.

"Lela? My stars, the King? You can't be serious?" Iindila said hoping its not true.

"Thinking I could lie to you about something so serious really hurts." Lela said slowly looking directly at Iindila.

"I might just consider it an insult, Iindila." She added. Iinda looked like she had seen a ghost. Scared, petrified, terrified were all understatements.

"I-I am really sorry My Princess, pl-please forgive me. I-I wasn't thinking-"

"Oh I am just teasing you. For a moment you looked like you saw one of our ancestors naked and dancing!"Lela said bursting out laughing and clutching her stomach, laughing histericaly.

"My Princess you scared me to death and back. Sorry ,Lela." Iindila said relaxing.

"My apologies Iindila, I just couldn't resist." Lela said calming down from her laugh.

"There is nothing to apologise for Lela." She said.

"You and your modesty.." Lela said, noticing tthe firewood she said ".. Iindila how could you not tell me that you were in a hurry? Im just standing here wasting your time with my useless talk about the Prince! Take one of my guards and send my regards and apologies to your aunt." Lela said ushering a guard to carry Iindilas firewood and escort her to her compound.

"My Princess this isn't necessary, I am quite sure my aunt would understand, there is no need for a royal guard to escort me." Iindila pleaded.

"Iindila, this is the least I can do. Don't take this away from me please." Knowing Iindila wouldn't accept help so easily.

"As you wish My Princess- Lela." Iindila said. Allowing the guard to carry her firewood.

"Alright now be on your way, till we meet again." The Princess said.
Bowing respectfully Iindila and the guard were on their way to her aunts compound.


So any thoughts about the Princess? Is she good or bad? Wow a chapter without clarification I must be one of the worst.. Sorry.
Now after all you hold the power  ( I began my rambling again 😔. You'll get used to it 😊)

So comment say your mind, no hating!. Enjoy

             Always Delia

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