A week has gone. Me and Jesse haven't spoken. I was going to doctors appointments each week. The one this week was to check the heart beat. Turns out I was 4 weeks. Me and Jesse have known each other for 1 month now. I was actually pretty excited for this baby. We were both just 19 but I loved kids. If he didn't want to help out it was ok. I'm a strong independent women. My belly wasn't popping out yet. Not much people knew. My mom and dad did. So did my bestfriends and Jesse. Not anyone else. I was at home, I started watching a movie. Someone knocked on the door. My ex was there. Him: "Hey I heard you were pregnant..." he said. I looked at him. "Nani told you huh? I am, but it's not your." He looked at me and nodded. "Well good luck, and congrats I guess." He said then walked away. I closed the door. When I was ready to walk back someone else knocked on my door. I opened it and there was Jesse underhill. My baby daddy and the boy I loved. He didn't say anything . He was dressed in a tux. I assumed that he was going on a date. He kissed me and told me he wanted to be with me and how much he loved me. I was confused why he had the tux. He started telling me how much he loved me. He bent down on one knee and took out a little box. I covered my face and smiled and started crying. "Will you make me the happiest man on earth, and marry me?" He asked me smiling and hoping. I screamed and hugged him. "YES!!!!" He kissed me. We had the most amazing sex that day. We told everyone right away. That afternoon we went to a tattoo parlor and got baby tattooed on our wrist. The arrows where pointing at each other. It was the happiest day of my life....

Jesse underhill-Bestfriend
FanfictionThis is a story about love with Jesse underhill and a fictional girl who is his "Bestfriend" to only find out the feelings they have for eachother.