Chapter Two: It's On... Like Donkey Kong

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So it's 11:55, I better go down to the restaurant and see Niall. Wow, I'm surprised I even know his name. Do I like him? No! Impossible. I never even had a crush on anyone in my life. Liking someone else is a waste of time and leads to heartbreak. Screw Love. 

During grade school, all the girls wore frilly pink dresses, heels and owned Barbie shit. I wore my football jersey, everywhere and a cap. I had my monster cars to keep me happy. I got along better with boys. They had less drama. 

I finished having a shower and put on my cut offs and Barcelona football jersey. I put my hair into a wet bun and picked up my phone to leave. I don't bother putting on make up, in fact I have never even worn makeup in my 16 years of existence. I went to the normal elevator and pressed the down button. I checked my phone and I had one message.

From Will:

Hey Ella, How's summer? I miss you :( And I know you miss me too :D Can't wait to see you in two weeks! I'm picking you up right? Now you can see how hot I got. ;) And I got a tattoo! Reply love xoxox

William 'Will' McSmith is my best mate from football camp. He is the only one that calls me Ella, he said it suited me. A pretty name for a pretty face. He is 5"11 and blond. After 10 years of knowing him, I still don't know his eye colour. Sometimes it's blue, sometimes it's green. They're beautiful either way. I love his eyes. I wish I had them, mine are just boring brown. Last time I saw him, he went from 5"5 to 5"11 almost overnight. He even started to put on some muscle. He flirts with me and I flirt back but we are just mates. He is actually really handsome and such a gentleman. Any girl would be lucky to go out with him. Not that I would, I never had a boyfriend and I don't plan on having one any time soon. He is the captain of the football team at his school. He dates the most beautiful girls, unfortunately, all of them are slags. They don't seem to like me, they consider me extra weight because I'm his best mate. They force him to drop me, I force him too but he never seems to do so. We are like two peas in a pod, ying and yang, inseparable.

I smiled at his text message and exited the elevator. I looked around to see if blondie came, but he wasn't here yet. He probably stood me up. Well, I'm hungry, so I'll eat anyway. I sat in a booth and replied to Will. Texting him puts a smile on my face.

To Will:

Hey Willy Bear! :) Of course I miss you! and yes, what do you expect me to walk? haha You? Hot? Those to words should never be in a sentence. ;) And the tattoo better be awesome! Miss you xoxo

I pressed the sent button. I almost jumped out of my booth when this guy came up and gave me a bone crushing hug. I swear I would've injured the guys ass, I'm a trained Mixed Martial Arts champion. I took it up when I was 10 to release my anger. Just as I was about to kick his gut with my knee, a familiar Irish accent filled my ear.

"LOUIS! Get off of her! You might break her!" I looked over and saw blondie and his mates. Shit, he brought them!?

"Sorry, Hey! I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Louis The Sexy Boo Bear Tomlinson. You must be the girl that got the lads fighting over you." He said grinning cheekily.

I looked at the boys and Orange looked out the window, curls looked down, and Niall face went red as a tomato! Smart ass rolled his eyes. I lifted my eyebrow.

"Is that so? Well, I'm Jaelle, But you can call me Jae." I replied. I'm starting to like grandpa, he is like me when I get hyper and happy. 

"Wait, you're British?" Smart ass asked.

"Yeah, half." 

"I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik." Orange said coming to shake my hand. "So how are you this fine day, love?" He asked smirking. I could see his eyes scanning my body. What was he trying to find? Was he checking me out?

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