Chapter 9

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The next couple of days passed slowly and by the end of the week, I was over school. I woke up Saturday with the party on my mind. It was just past noon. I rolled out of bed and went downstairs. There was an unusual rattling sound coming from the kitchen. I stepped onto the hard tile floor. Even more unusual was the sight of Mom and Dad hauling a bunch of Halloween decorations out of the front door and onto the back of the black pick-up truck.

"What's going on down here?" I asked, confused. "What's all that stuff for?" I stood rubbing the sleep from my fresh face.

Dad didn't respond. He slipped back outside, carrying a handful of items. I turned to Mom, who was now gathering grocery bags on the counter, "Your coach has us helping with a party he's supposed to be throwing at The Hub tonight." She was still looking down at the mess in her hands. "There's a flyer over there on the table," she whispered. Mom threw her head toward the opposite side of the kitchen.

I walked to the table and picked the flyer up. "This is the party he's having for the team. I didnt know it was going to be at The Hub," I said, staring down at the paper, this time finally reading the words inside of the pumpkin, Location: The Hub- 134 Beach Ave, FL 39874.

"Yeah, they came to us a few days ago with the idea," Dad chimed in suddenly, standing by the stove.

I ran back up the stairs and grabbed my phone, texting. Tori!!!

Her text came back seconds later. Yes?

Why didn't you tell me the party was at the shop?

Didn't you have the flyer? It was on there, did you not read it? Tori wrote.

I did, but I didn't even pay attention to where it was. I was just going to ask you later.

Well, yes, that's where it's at. Why, is something wrong?

Dang, I didn't know that. It's kind of weird knowing Kendall's going to be there and then of course, Kara too. And now, both my parents!!! Not to mention I'm in college, it's a college party and they'll be seeing me in that element. It just sounds like it's going to be a long night. On top of the fact of what happened around there the last time I was going to a party afterwards. I dropped my head, overwhelmed.

Girl, calm down, everyone will more than likely be between there and down at the water. Your parents don't be stuttin' you anyways. She added the eye rolling emoji. Plus, it'll be dark and they'll be busy with the food.

An unsatisfying flush came over me. Tori was right though. They probably wouldn't see me the entire night, but I couldn't shake this uneasy feeling in my gut. I threw my phone down on the bed and picked the plastic pouch from Costume Central up, apprehensive.

The bag ripped open easily. I began climbing into the Army suit. I stepped into the tri-colored pants legs and pulled them around my waist, but the seams fell back down below my hips; they were a little big. I picked up the cut-off vest and wrapped it around my naked body, over my sports bra, it was a perfect fit. Then, I walked over to my closet and grabbed the black Timberland boots from the back that had been collecting dust since freshman year, and slid them on before heading toward the mirror.

Not bad, a little more boyish than I'd like to look in front of pretty much anyone that shows, but I can dig it.

I went back to the bed and took it all off, laying it neatly on the smoothened sheets and headed back downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of orange juice. The TV remote beamed at me from my post at the bar. Instantly, I stretched over the couch, where I made my mark until the day passed.

There was an electrifying crack and then, a loud explosion snuck into my trance. Opening my eyes, I realized the sun was peeking in through the window from over the trees. I hadn't noticed myself dozing off, but when I looked up at the clock, I realized the party was barely half an hour away from starting and jumped up. I hurried up the stairs to my room, scrambled for a towel, and rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower. I ran the rag over my skin, tagged the important areas, rubbed the rest of my body clean, and jumped out.

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