Chapter 1 - Girl Meets High School

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"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." - Winston Churchill

Riley Matthews, eldest daughter to Topanga and Corey Matthews began her day with an immense smile on her face and ready to conquer her new kingdom, High School. She will be joined by her best friend Maya Hart and cohorts of quirky individuals. The geniuses Farkle Minkus, Isadora Smackle, the joker Isaiah Babineaux, and the brawn Lucas Friar.

However, it did not go as she imagined, but Riley did not let go of the idea of a perfect day. She allowed the older seniors to submit her to "the hole" because she knew it had to be for a worthy reason. As the optimistic the others followed her belief until it boiled over into an argument.

"Riley!" Lucas snapped as Riley sat Indian-style on the floor.

Riley slightly trembled at the burst of emotion from Lucas. He noticed that she flinched and he didn't mean to invoke fear in her, but he had reached his limit. She always tried to see the good in others and gave out multiple chances to the people around her. Riley had an unlimited hope in others, but these 'seniors' they could truly care less. They were taking advantage of her. Why couldn't she see that? Why couldn't she just see that he was trying to protect their friends and especially her?

He clenched his jaw and began his rant, "Come on Riley. They are picking on us, they are enjoying torturing the freshman, get it through your head. You keep seeing the good in people, and that needs to change. These guys are just picking on the first random group of people they could"

"Lucas I don't think that anything that ever happens to us is random" Riley whispered from her seat on the floor. Why was he taking his frustrations out on her? She just wanted the best for him and wanted him to flourish.

"Lucas-" Riley was cut off by Lucas's irritated voice.

"Sometimes, you are just too much for me, Riley."

Riley let out a choked gasp and her eyes watered slightly. Lucas opened his mouth again, but words barely came out. He didn't mean to hurt Riley, his mouth was moving faster than his brain could think. Riley looked down to her feet and tried her firmest not to cry in front of everyone.

"Guys, can you just please calm down?" Zay said and placed his hand on Lucas's shoulder. "This isn't who we are."

"Zay?" Lucas questioned as Zay stood by Riley's side.

"Look Riley might be right; this has to be for a reason let's just give it a chance" Zay added.

"Preposterous" Smackle commented.

"Smackle" Farkle said gently and she turned to them.

"Dearest we can't possibly just stand here its ... not right, let's go explore it's our natural right" Smackle said.

"I for one agree with Smackle" Lucas said as he pointed to Smackle.

"Lucas! The flirting, keep it cool" Smackle said as Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Maya?" Riley questioned as the Blonde stood oddly quiet.

"Riley we aren't Kings anymore this is a new world for us to find ourselves" Maya said and she shoved her hands in her jeans pocket.

"Yeah? Who are we?" And just like that Lucas and Smackle had walked away.

"Riles" Maya began, but instead she closed her mouth and followed Lucas and Smackle up the stairs.

As Riley watched her friends walk away, Zay and Farkle joined Riley on the floor.

"Still want to be my friend?" She asked.

"Always." Farkle said as Riley leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Am I stupid Farkle?" Riley whispered.

"Riley you just see the good in everyone" Zay commented.

"I guess not enough" Riley said as she cried.

Farkle and Zay held her as she sobbed on the floor. Neither boy knew how to truly comfort the girl except with mews of reassurement that everything will be ok. They knew that Lucas and Riley were two sides of the same coin they just both conveyed it differently. After they convinced Riley to leave "the hole" they took her home so she could rest.

After Corey and Topanga tried their best to get Riley to speak to them however she just played around with her dinner. Two bites and a request to go to her room was all she did that evening. A long shower and some homework later, Riley retreated to her thinking spot.

She sat at the bay window subdued with her knees to her chest. Riley understood why Maya went after Lucas and Smackle. That was who she was an adventurer, a rebel, and a wild child while Riley was down to earth, safe and saw the good in everyone. It was bound they would go their separate ways, but they would find their way back, they always did.

Riley could hear the soft rapt on her window and saw Maya seated on her fire escape. Riley leaned over and opened the window. Maya's face held a frown and she looked hesitant to come into the room.

"Hey Peaches" Riley said her voice hoarse and patted the spot next to her.

Maya slowly crawled into the room and sat next to Riley. She wore her old leather jacket and had her hair in curls. She folded her hands into her lap and struggled to get the words out.

"Riles" Maya began as Riley pulled Maya into a hug.

"I'm sorry" Riley said as Maya placed a hand onto Riley's cheek.

"Riles don't be sorry, you were right and I should be apologizing to you. I should have never left you behind. I always follow you, I just wanted to rebel a little and I didn't realize I was leaving the best part of me behind" Maya said.

"It's ok Maya people drift, people change, sometimes they even make new friends"

"Well I would never want us to drift or change, you're stuck with me!"

"Promise?" Riley asked.

Maya stuck out her hand for Riley to grab.



"What about Smackle and Lucas?" Riley asked as Maya sighed.

"Smackle found bored of the football players and we stopped by Farkle's on the way here. I think they are doing some weird science experiment; I do not know I tuned them out after I heard microscope."

"Lucas?" Riley whispered.

"He is doing is own thing."

"That is fine, I am glad he is happy."

"Riley, give it some time" Maya said as Riley slowly nodded.

"Time is what he needs, that is ok with me then" Riley said and laid her head on Maya's shoulder.

Time was exactly what both Lucas and Riley needed. However neither knew it was going to be three years of that time. Three years of not spending time with their friends as a group or having conversations. They wouldn't not say another word to each other until that boiling moment.

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