I Love you

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Micah POV

I hung up on Julian after that. I didn't want to listen to his excuses. I loved him to the moon and back but he broke my heart. I couldn't go back to him right now I couldn't face him. I would call Pratt though and when I'm ready I'll talk to Pratt too. I had to be strong I didn't want my baby to have any complications when born or while in my stomach. My baby deserved more than me so I will build myself to a position where we can live happily with or without Julian.

I was now with Manny and Jaxson. Manny calls him Kyle because that's Jaxsons middle name and Jaxson hates it. Manny and Jaxson would make a cute couple with how Jaxson loved to be a goofball and how Jaxson always gets so serious when something involves Manny. Manny always has this serious face until he gets with Jaxson and then he smiles like a doofus. They are each other's weaknesses and don't even seem to notice.

"So you guys wanna watch a movie or what," Manny says that like he doesn't have a shit load of papers to do.

"Manny you have a shit load of papers to fill out." He can't just fill them out later right.

"I'll fill them out later. I wanna spend time with you guys."

"You dork." Jaxson jumped right on top of Manny.

"I can't believe that. I wanna watch Lion King or Lilo & Stich. You know Disney makes the best movies when they aren't about Princesses. They should totally make a movie about two princes or something. I would live that." Jaxson loved to ramble on.

"We can watch a whole bunch of movies we can make this an official movie day, " I suggested.

"Ok cool Movie day Monday I can work with that," Manny said putting it on his calendar.


We were currently watching some random movie that I forgot the name of. Someone suddenly knocked on the front door.

"I got it." I went to go get the door. I didn't wait to slam it straight closed. It was Julian at the door. I felt my eyes water up. I was about to start crying. I pulled myself together as much as I could. He had that twink with him. Why would he do that? Does he despise me that much that he came here and brought that person with him? I opened the door and looked at them.

"What do you want?"I asked

"I wanted to introduce you to my brother." He pointed at the twink that I despised. He was slightly smaller than him but then I noticed it. How alike they looked. They had the same wavy dark brown hair. The same eyes. He cheated on me with his BROTHER!!

"Are you telling me the twink from yesterday was your brother. You left me for your BROTHER!!" Why the hell would he do that to me?

"NO" They both yelled at once

"So what the hell happened last night."He had to tell me.

"Can we sit down first so my men don't shoot." That's when I noticed the cars and stuff with hella men in them. I was used to them but why did Julian need them.

"Ok only because I don't trust myself to stand much longer. Follow me." We went to the Living room as Manny and Jax looked at me. Manny got up and pulled me in his arms and put his arms over my stomach in a protective stance. Jax got up and stood beside us ready to fight if needed.

"What the hell are THEY doing here Micah." Manny was ready to fight. Julian growled at Manny being all over me. It was hot but not needed me and Manny are just close friends now even though I've only known him and Jax for like two days. We are close.

"He's telling me what really happened that night. He won't hurt me." Manny still didn't look convinced and was still holding me. "Manny you don't have to sit here and hold me I will be ok." Jax finally came to help me and dragged Manny upstairs with him protesting and glaring at Julian.

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