I hear your voice

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I jumped over the rooftops as I let my feet guide me. The sun was beating down on my exposed face and it felt nice to not have to hide behind the silly gas mask any longer. I longed to see Aoba. I wanted to see him now. Those people who fixed me would have kept me waiting far too long...

I stopped on one of the rooftops and sat down as I looked towards the sunset. I thought of Aoba and there was one thing I loved about Aoba. He loved to hear me sing. I gripped my shirt just over my heart as I felt an aching sensation. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my favourite clear umbrella. It always reminded me of when I'd confuse Aoba as I always brought it out when it wasn't raining. I daze off, lost in the past. I sigh and start my piece. I sing to my heart's content because Aoba would always hear my voice just like I had always heard his. Behind me I could hear a door shuffle open. The person who opened it did nothing but let out a long sigh. The corners of my mouth turned up as I sang. Once I had finished my piece I looked around to one face I knew well. One face I longed to see. The face of someone with eyes almost filled to the brim with tears. Ah yes, the face of the one I came here for. I turned my head slightly
"I heard your voice so I came, Aoba"

I stood up and hopped along the rooftops until I landed on Aoba's veranda. His face was full of shock and disbelief. At first I thought he wasn't wanting me to come back but he suddenly pulled me tight into his arms as he muffled his quiet sobs. I closed my arms around him and leaned my head to his shoulder. He was as warm as always. I had missed his warmth. I longed for it. Even when I was in the deepest of oceans I felt cold. My heart had felt like it was frozen over. Like he was 100 degrees, Aoba melted the ice surrounding my heart. I felt struck with a feeling that was overwhelming and filled my body with an intense heat. I wanted to be with Aoba forever. After the embrace I put my hand to Aoba's face and tilt it upwards. I gently place my lips to his and put all my feelings into that kiss. We share this delicate kiss for a few moments before breaking apart and leaning our foreheads against each other's. Our breathing started to even out and Aoba just put his hand to my right temple as a look of sadness washed over his face. I knew he felt guilty so I just grabbed his hand and held it to my face before closing my eyes. His warmth was truly amazing.

"Welcome home, Clear"
"I'm truly home, Aoba"
"Please say this is real and not just a dream" Aoba looked away for a second as if he didn't want to hear the answer.
"It's real. I'm with you. There's no place I'd rather be" I gave him a comforting smile before kissing his forehead. 
"Its been so long. I missed you so much"
"I missed you too. As soon as I woke up I came to you"
"Were you close by?"
"Oh um, you might want to tell Tae that I'm here.. They were going to test me today and I took off. You were more important. I needed to see you." The door open and closed loudly and someone let out a sigh
"Dummie" Aoba hit me playfully on the head but I feigned a hurt expression. I couldn't keep it up for too long before smiling at Aoba. He was the main person who made me smile so I would always smile for him.

We walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. Tae was baking her famous doughnuts. The sweet aroma filled the room. I loved this smell. Tae put love and care into making these for Aoba so I loved the fact that she worked so hard for Aoba. It reminded me of how Grandpa was before he passed. He always looked out for me. 

"Aoba look, there's something I need to tell you" She turned around to look at Aoba with sorrow eyes
"Hello Tae!" I say cheerfully. Tae just stands there shocked until her expression mellows.
"You wanted to see him that badly you couldn't wait two minutes?" Tae hit me playfully as she scolded me for leaving so fast. Aoba just sighed next to me. 
"Clear, you should have waited but I'm glad you're here" Aoba smiled gleefully as he confessed this. I just pulled him into another embrace
"Hey come on, you have enough time for that sort of stuff later. I made doughnuts so take a seat." Same old Tae. Always keeping the kids happy. 

The doughnuts were just as good as I had remembered. They were sweet but not too sweet. Staying here reminded me of a home. It reminded me of a normal family where everyone gathers round and eats together because they enjoy being together. Ever since Grandpa had died, I had searched for a place to belong and a place I would be able to sit around the table with a loving family. I had longed for it so bad. Little did I know, this would be the very place I found my loving family. I found something truly irreplaceable. I found that I was loved for who I was even though I was something artificially made by Toue.

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