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The doorbell rang and I heard my dad's voice exclaim, "Cha Eun Woo!" and I raced from the kitchen to the front door, a piece of toast in my hand. Eun Woo was practically glowing, talking to my dad about the festival.

My dad leaned in and whispered something to Eun Woo, and Eun Woo smiled, nodding. "I like her too much to do that, sir." I watched his lips form the words, and my heart fluttered.

My dad turned to me and smiled. "Have a good day at school sweetie," he said to me. As he walked past me, he mumbled, "Maybe you did something right this time, because I can't see him ditching what you two have. But remember what I said."

He winked at me and I smiled and nodded. "You ready?" I asked Eun Woo. He nodded and I walked out, shutting the door behind me. "Sorry about my dad," I apologized. "He's a little extra sometimes."

"Don't worry about it. I like him. He's cool." He smiled at me. I looked at the floor and smiled. Eun Woo was staring downward too, and I didn't realize what he was looking at until he swung his hand directly into mine, and then swung them together back and forth.

I couldn't help but chuckle, and I kissed his cheek, leaving him red faced. I held his hand with one of my hands, and his upper arm with my other, leaning into him a little bit.

"Remind me after we audition to see which group is representing the school that I have to ask you something," Eun Woo told me. He was looking straight ahead, and had the cutest smile on his face. I swallowed and nodded.

We had this conversation before, but I forgot to remind him, and he never asked.

We showed up to school and met the boys inside, where Bin actually showed up to class and Eun Woo showed everyone the song he had for the festival.

"Wait, but that's not the song we used in the past!" MJ slipped. I widened my eyes at him as he covered his mouth. Ah Rin stood up and looked at him.

"MJ, can I talk to you outside?" she asked. He looked at her and then at me.

"Only if Dani can come," he said nervously. Everyone looked at me, clearly able to tell that I was pissed off, but didn't understand why.

She looked at me and I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I swear to god I'm going to kill you MJ," I said, loud enough that everyone heard me.

"I know," he answered. The other boys laughed as we left the room. Once we got outside, Ah Rin confessed to us that she was also from the future.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked her.

"Because I wasn't sure if you guys were too until now. And, this isn't exactly...my first time."

She filled us in on the first two times she came, and how she's just been living naturally since then, trying not to change anything. MJ and I were naturally surprised, and didn't know what to think of it.

Later on, we were all sitting around, listening to the boys sing outside the school when Seon Hyuk heard them perform, and got jealous and decided to steal our song.

When the boys got blamed for stealing Seon Hyuk's song, they were completely awestruck. They didn't know what to do, but MJ and Ah Rin came up with a plan pretty quickly.

Ah Rin told us that Eun Woo was doing something with future songs the night that he went back to his past self. So, we went back to the loft and looked through files, and found what he was working on.

All we had to do was convince the others that we were from the future. Yeah, that would be easy.

Surprisingly, they believed us when we told them altogether. Jin Jin gaped at the fact that MJ was telling the truth, and Eun Woo just stared at me, looking like he wanted to ask me something.

I knew exactly what it was too.

Everyone decided that they would do their best to help Eun Woo finish the song and that we would help him remember what it sounded like in the past, and make sure that they had a better song than Seon Hyuk and his new girl group.

Everyone was done talking and about to leave when Eun Woo walked up to me. "Can you give us a second?" he asked everyone. They all nodded, but stayed close to listen in.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, already knowing what he was going to say. He shrugged.

"I just want to know something," I nodded, "What are we like in the future? Like what is the...status between us?" he asked. I swallowed.

"We're not together," I answered quickly and honestly. "After the festival, you were supposed to ask me something, like you said this morning, but I think you were too excited about everything and ended up forgetting about it...and us. We just kind of became distant.

"We're still friends. And there's always going to be that...connection between us, but it just doesn't work for us in the future."

"It doesn't work in the future because I was too ignorant?" Eun Woo asked. I shrugged. "Fine, if I'm going to forget after the festival, then I'll just ask you now. Will you be my girlfriend?"

My face immediately got hot and my heart pounded in my chest. "I-I-"

"Past you would have said yes. You wouldn't want to change too much," Eun Woo smirked. I opened my mouth to say something, smiled and let out a breath, nodding.

"Yes," I answered. His face lit up and he turned to the others. They all turned and pretended like they weren't watching. He leaned in and I sighed in relief, knowing we wouldn't be interrupted this time.

His lips pressed against mine, and although the kiss only lasted for a second or two, it was still amazing, because it was with Cha Eun Woo, the boy I had been in love with for four years.

He pulled away and smiled. "Hopefully that'll change things," he said. I chuckled and bit my lip. All of our friends began clapping and cheering, running up to us.

Yeo Reum and Ah Rin came up to hug me, and when they were done, MJ came up to me with a smile on his face.

"If that doesn't change the future, we'll make a time machine and come back," he winked. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I love you," I told him. He smiled and hugged me tighter.

"I love you more. Thank you for always keeping me in check. I know I'm awful sometimes."

"Not awful, just crazy," I smiled. Jin Jin came up to me next.

"What are we like in the future?" he asked me. I smiled.

"Close. Really close."

He beamed and lifted me off of my feet, spinning me around. "That's what I thought! I'm your favorite friend!" I laughed and he carried me inside the school, everyone running close behind.

To Be Continued // Cha EunwooWhere stories live. Discover now