jealousy stirs part 2

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It was getting really dark and archie was beginning to worry. Not for his own safety but for Veronica's.

He ran down the hill faster than his feet could take him trying to avoid all of the sharp sticks and plants that were in his way.

He pulled out his phone and called her 3 times with no answer. He groaned UGH out loud and the guilt starts to build up inside him.


When veronica reached the steps of the Pembroke, she was out of breath with cuts and scrapes all along her body. 

She stands on the top step just staring at the street watching the few cars pass by. She doesn't want to cry because what is she crying about?

The fact that she was a replacement for somebody else? Or the fact that they like the other girl more than her?

She wasn't going to cry because she was used to people not liking her and being compared to other people. It hurts because she actually finally felt safe with these people.

Smithers opens the door and finds veronica sitting on the steps with her head in her hands.

Smithers and Veronica had always been close. When her parents would leave for business when she was little, he would always play with her and talk about all of problems they faced.

She loved him for that and he loved her equally as much.

"Are you ok Miss Veronica?" he questioned moving towards the steps closing the door behind him.

"Mhm" she says lifting her head to see him sit next to her. "Just a long day" she rests her head against his soft shoulder

After a few long minutes go by Smithers breaks the silence after he feels her tears dripping on his shirt "let's get you inside. ok?" he smiles warmly at her and helps her up.

"Thank you Smithers" she says and gives a small smile wiping away the tears from under her eyes.

She walks into the elevator and up to her floor avoiding her parents interrogation she's sure will happen if she is stopped by them.

Veronica slips into her room and shuts the door behind her. She quickly sends a text to Jughead saying she made it home safe.

She takes off her heels and sit on the edge of her bed looking at her bleeding legs. She noticed a thorn sticking out of her right leg and ran to the bathroom.

She grabs the first aid kit and it reminds her of archie. That time he got hurt after the fight against sweet pea and she fixed him up. She smiled at the memory and tried to fix her legs without hurting herself.

She put her leg on the edge of the bath tub and applied rubbing alcohol to them. Shit she murmured under her breath flinching at the pain. The cuts were pretty deep and stung when the cold alcohol made contact.

She took the tweezers from her bag and tried to pull out the thorn which was really deep in her skin. Fuck she said a little louder because she was annoyed she couldn't get it out and it hurt to try.

"Need some help?" a voice came from behind her and she jumped in fright, dropping the tweezers in her hand.

"Woah Ronnie it's just me." he said laughing a little at her scared face. "I tried calling you. I really wanted to apologize and I -"

She put her hand up to stop him and said "Archie, i'm not really in the mood for this right now ok? I just need to get this stupid thing out of my leg and then i'm going to bed. It's been a really long day and I really ne-"

This time archie cut her off by placing his lips on hers. "Can I help you and then can we please talk?" archie pleaded looking deep into her eyes.

"Ok but shouldn't you be with Evelyn? you haven't seen her in a long time. You should go I'll be fine here." archie laughs out loud as she tried to push him out of her bathroom.

"Ronnie. Look at me. Never in a million years would I ever choose her over you. I made a huge mistake ignoring you the whole day and I am a total ass for doing that." archie says helping her sit on the top of the toilet seat and sitting on the edge of the bathtub right next to her.

"Your not wrong there." veronica says with a little smile.

"I know baby and i'm really sorry. I just got caught up with Evelyn and UGH i'm such an idiot." archie says

Veronica grabs his hand and holds it in hers. "It's ok love." she says with a small smile. "It's just that- never mind it's nothing" she looks down.

"What is it?" archie asks lifting her head up with his finger.

"I feel like Evelyn is better for you guys than I am. I don't know I just feel like you're all better off with her here instead of me. What i'm trying to say is that I was watching you guys before I left the mountain and you were all so happy which made me happy because that's all I ever want for you." veronica says suddenly regretting spilling that out on archie.

"Ronnie, don't ever ever say that. You bring so much to our group and honestly without you I don't know where I would be. You complete me and you make me so happy it's almost unreal." archie says planting a huge kiss on her lips.

Without disconnecting their lips, Archie leaned his whole body on hers. "Ow" veronica says pulling back and pushing him away from her leg.

"Oh my God baby i'm so sorry." archie says pulling back and looking at her leg that was still bleeding.

"Here uh sit down and let me get the tweezers and i'll clean up your leg." he says getting out all of the items that were unnecessary from the first aid bag. He kneeled in front of her and she griped on to his shoulders and squeezed every time he poured alcohol.

"i'm sorry i'm hurting you but i'm almost done." he says looking up at her with a smile.

"Thank you for doing this Archie. I love you so much." veronica says smiling back at him.

"I love you more" archie replied with an even bigger smile.


The two of them laughed as Veronica looked down to see bandaids covering her whole entire leg with prices of gauze and tape sticking out.

He helped her stand up and walked her to her bed. They put on The Office and laughed the whole night.

hey guys! thank you for reading!!!


please let me know any requests you would like to see because i'm running out of prompts for future chapters...

if you would like to read more  from this story, please let me know any suggestions in the comments below.!

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