Chapter 02 - The Audition

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The show bar was crowded for a Friday evening, guests at the resort who would not normally be there had arrived to see the band, Grayson was not expecting to see so many people as the summer season was officially over and most of the visitors had returned home or had returned to work now the summer was over and their children had all gone back to school.

Lucy and Melissa stood in line at the bar waiting to buy drinks with David while Grayson stood at the side of the stage with Mr. Jacobson talking to some of the band members as they set up their equipment and his teacher introduced him to a few of them individually.

At the side of the stage was the pool bar with a smoking area, as the resort had a no smoking policy inside the building. Mr. Jacobson put his hand into his jacket pocket and leaned towards Grayson so he could hear him over the music in the bar.

"Do you mind if I go outside for a moment so I can have a cigarette?"

Grayson nodded. He followed his teacher outside and stood next to him. His teacher lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply. As he exhaled he looked back at Grayson and said,

"Do you smoke?"

Grayson looked at his teacher not knowing what to say. He thought he might get into trouble if he told his teacher the truth.

"Do not worry you are not at school now, if you want to smoke, I am not going to stop you. I will not say anything to your parents."

Grayson put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. He put one to his lips and then searched for his lighter. After a moment of searching he turned to his teacher and said,

"Can I have a light Mr. Jacobson?"

"We are not at school now" his teacher replied.

"You can call me Paul."

He cupped his hands in front of Grayson's face holding a match as he lit the cigarette and then blew out the flame. Their eyes met for an uncomfortable second,

"Thanks Paul" he said and then looked away shyly, it did not feel right calling his teacher by his first name.

They both stood in silence smoking their cigarettes that made Grayson feel uncomfortable, all the time he wanted to go inside to his friends in the bar, he was having feelings he felt he should not be feeling. Just standing next to Paul made him want to lean over and kiss him, he had never finished a cigarette so quickly. His hands were shaking with nerves and anxiety as they finished their cigarettes they stubbed them into an ashtray on a nearby table and turned to head back to the show bar. Grayson looked to Paul to break the silence and said,

"I think I've found the right song to sing with the band tonight."

"If you're happy with your choice then I am sure it will be perfect; you do not need to worry about anything," Mr. Jacobson said. Grayson gave him the details of his song choice; his teacher went back inside and told the band so they would be prepared for the performance. He left Grayson alone to enjoy the rest of the evening with his friends.

Lucy came outside with a tray of drinks closely followed by Melissa and David, Melissa was holding two large drinks in her hands looking very pleased with herself. She handed one of the drinks to Grayson.

"I thought you might want some Dutch courage." Melissa said handing Grayson a large Vodka and Lemonade.

"How did you manage to get that?" he asked.

"I have my ways," Melissa said pushing her breasts together laughing. They laughed and Grayson relaxed and began to feel comfortable for the first time that evening.

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