Chapter 03 - The First Kiss

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The band had now finished playing the second set and the disco had begun in the show bar. Some of the guests had started to leave and were returning to their accommodation within the grounds of the resort, meaning there were now places to sit in the lower end of the building. The lower area was quieter and had a Piano lounge. Danny was tending the lower bar until midnight. He would usually serve Grayson alcohol without checking for his ID as it was abundantly clear that Danny found Grayson attractive. Danny would flirt with him whenever he got the opportunity. It would not be a problem for them to be served alcohol if they were to send Grayson to the bar tonight. Standing in the line to buy the drinks for his friends, Grayson removed the note from his back pocket and looked at it once again. He studied every word written on the piece of paper.

"Why me?" He said to himself.

"Why would someone as attractive as Marcus be interested in me?" Marcus was at least three years older than him and he could not understand why Marcus would ever find someone like Grayson, who was average looking and rather shy, remotely interesting. Mr. Jacobson came over and stood next to him while he waited to be served. Grayson quickly slipped the note back inside of his pocket.

"I was very proud of you standing up on that stage tonight Grayson. You really surprised me. I knew you would be good, but I was not expecting you to be as fantastic as that. Did you enjoy the rest of the show?" Grayson nodded and thanked his teacher. He offered to buy Mr. Jacobson a drink as a way of thanking him for bringing him and his friends along this evening.

"No thank you Grayson, I'm just getting a round of drinks for the guy's back stage, they will be over in a minute. You should come over and say hi once they arrive. They are just getting changing out of there stage costumes, then they will be coming out to join everyone and have a couple of drinks. At eleven thirty I will come and find you and your friends and take you all home. I believe you will be staying at your friend David's tonight. I will drop you both at his house." Grayson nodded again, and his teacher patted him on the shoulder and went to join the back of the queue.

"He is pretty cool for a teacher don't you think?" Melissa said.

"Yeah, he's not bad, I don't know how he will react if he was to find out I might be going on a date with his nephew this weekend though." Grayson took his phone from his pocket and stored the number Marcus wrote on the note into his contacts. David approached and grabbed the phone out of his hands and ran towards the exit. Grayson quickly stepped out of the line and began to follow him asking Melissa to buy the drinks handing her his wallet as he began chasing after David.

"What the hell are you doing? Give me back my phone!" He said.

"I'm just giving you a head start. You have been staring at that note for ages and keep putting it back into your pocket. If you intend on messaging him just do it, don't just look at it." David was typing something into Grayson's phone and Grayson was fighting to try and retrieve it from him. David was stronger and much taller than he was which made it impossible for Grayson to get hold of his phone.

"And send, there you go its done now, nothing you can do about it." He said handing the phone back to Grayson looking very pleased with himself.

Grayson snatched the phone out of his hands looking franticly through his recently sent messages.

"What the fuck have you done?" he said. There was a message that had been sent to Marcus, which said,

Hi Marcus, this is Grayson. I am still at the resort. I am down in the piano lounge with my friends if you want to come and join us for a drink. I would like to get to know you better. I really like you.

"I'm going to fucking kill you David," Grayson said. His phone beeped to alert him that he had received a new message. He looked down to his phone with dread wondering what it would say. It was a reply from Marcus.

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