
22 1 2

       I smiled as I walked below the sign that said "Bak's Boutique and Cafe". I pushed the door to the shop open, turning around the sign that said "closed" to "open. I propped the door open with the built in door stopper. The second floor of the shop was a cafe while the bottom was a flower shop. The Cafe was labeled as "The Slot."
I've been working here for about 5 months now since I've recently moved in town near my uncle's flower shop. I graduated college last year and I needed something to fill my time. I also needed money, so I decided to work at my uncles flower shop and cafe "Bak's Boutique and Cafe". I cant stand being left alone in my apartment.

"Hyuna is that you?" I heard my uncles voice come from the back of the shop.
"Yes, it's me!" I raised my voice a bit so he could hear me.
"You're 5 minutes late!" I saw him step out from the back of the shop and behind the counter. I didn't think he'd notice I was missing.
"Sorry, I wanted a coffee." I walked toward the counter where he was standing. Bak laughed at me. His graying hair moved as he laughed. He continuously dyes his hair black to prevent it from becoming gray, but I think it's just making his hair worse.
"Have you spoke to your mother recently? I heard she's getting out of the hospital next week." He smiled at me, opening the cash register and taking out the money from last night.
My mother got into a car accident a month ago and she's still recovering. She broke her pelvis bone and sprain her wrist. Im surprised she didn't fly out of the window since she never wears her seatbelt.
"No, I haven't spoken to her since the accident." I bit my lip, setting down my coffee on the counter as I walked behind it. Sometimes I'd run the Cafe, but Im mainly the flower salesman.
"Aish, you kids are so selfish. You and your siblings. The only one that visits her daily is your younger sister." He sighed, closing the cash register and walking off.
I have 3 siblings. 2 brothers who are older than me by 2 years, and a younger sister who is younger than me by 3 years. We all still live in Seoul, but my sister wants to move to Japan after she graduates college.
My brothers live with their wives. I'm surprised they got married this young.
I sighed as I sat down, sighing.
There was a few people who came and went, buying and going. It was just any normal day.

It came around the time where younger men would come and purchase flowers for their dates or mothers.
I was playing a game on my phone when I heard someone walk into the store. I slipped my phone into my pocket and watched the man walk around the shop. He was wearing a suit and holding a red notebook in his hands. He look troubled.
"Need some help?" I asked, walking up next to him. He turned to me and I nearly dropped dead. His hair was moved to the side with gel and his suit fit his shoulders perfectly. His eyes we're a perfect shade of brown to go with his dark hair. His lips were nicely plump.
"Uh, yeah. I want to get them for this girl, but Ive never met her. The only relation I have with her is this notebook." He spoke as he looked down at the red notebook. I looked around at the flowers.
"Did you have anything in mind?" I asked him. He took a moment before he made his mind up with his answer.
I looked down at the notebook he was holding. Red. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the shelves where we kept our red flowers. I got an idea.
"Hew about some red flowers? It would match the notebook." I moved my gaze up to him. He smiled at me. His cheeks puffed out when he smiles.
My heart
We both walked over to the flowers and agreed on getting a bouquet of transvaal daisy's. I wrapped it in a white cloth and tied it together with a red fabric, finishing it off with a red bow.
"Here you go." I smiled at him as I handed him the bouquet of flowers. He smiled back at me, thanking me and bowing before he began to make his way out the store. I started walking out behind him so I could possibly greet another customer when he left.

He stepped onto the sidewalk. I just noticed the sun was going down. It made the sky look orange.
It was pretty.
I watched as a girl waved at him from across the street. She began to make her way across it but she failed to see the car speeding on the street. The man seemed to notice the car too since his head moved a bit towards the direction of it.
A screech and a thud was all that was heard before screams emerged from the streets.
She got hit.
The man in front of me stood still. He didn't move a muscle.
It was her. It was the girl he was about to meet. The girl with the notebook.
I don't know why, but my instinct was to immediately run to the girl and check her pulse.
I whipped my phone out and called the ambulance.
More people ran to her aid. They were trying to see where she was hit. The car that hit her sped off after the accident, so we couldn't yell at anyone or ask why they were speeding.
The ambulance were on their way.
It smelt so bad. Pennies and rotten fruit.
A pool of blood started to form around the girl. She looked so disfigured and.. pitiful.
I turned around to look at the man. He was still standing there. He was petrified. I wouldn't blame him.
I stood up and rushed over to him.
"Sir, are you ok? Please move. You've been standing here like this for 5 minutes." He still didn't move.
"Was that the girl you were about to meet? The flowers. You were going to give her the flowers." I started to hyperventilate. Bak suddenly dashed outside.
"Hyuna, what happened?!" He shouted. The man in front of me finally started to move. His eyes looked down at me. He then whipped around and ran to the girl. I watched him as he ran. Bak realized what happened.
"Is there an ambulance coming?!" He protested as he walked over to the chaos.
"I called them." I stated, walking behind him. The man sat by her side staring down at her.
Everyone started to hear the sound of a siren. We all started to move away from the girl, but the man didn't move.
"Come on, the ambulance need to get to her." I spoke, putting my hand on his shoulder.
He hesitated to move, but he ended up standing up and backing away.
The ambulance came and put her into the back of the van.
"Can I come? I need to come!" The man finally spoke up. The men in the van took a moment to answer.
"Can I come too?" I asked, stepping up beside the man.
The man in the van looked pissed already but they let us in. I didn't say a word to Bak, he just watched as I got into the van. The man still had the flowers in his hand, but the cloth was coming off. We didn't say a word to each other the whole way.
DISCLAIMER: this story is not going based on the storyline of the highlight reels of the Wings album, I'm only getting inspiration from it such as this chapter from Jin's highlight reel.

This story has been unpublished since June of this year but I've just gained confidence to publish it now. Most of the chapters will be unedited since I have no time to reread them to check if I've misspelled words or my punctuation isn't correct (hint the 'unedited' at the top of the chapter') 
I hope you enjoy this story :)

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