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Almost an hour had passed, and most of the time Yuuki remained silent while the others chatted. Yuuki didnt fail to notice to subtle glares that Sensedai would send Dabi or the one up-ing that had started between them. It was mostly peaceful as they all talked and chatted amoungst one another, Dabi had made sure that Yuuki was always near him and wasn't alone with Sensedai.

"C-Come on Yuuki! D-Drink i-it!" Daso stammered out in his intoxicated state, pushing a cup of some kind of alcoholic beverage towards her.

"I'd rather not," Yuuki declined, moving her hand upwards to push the cup away.

"C'mon!" Futeiki exclaimed, a blush on his cheeks as he used Daso as support, "It won't kill you~" He slurred.

Her brow twitched in annoyance as she felt a painful sensation pulse through her head once more and she rubbed her face as an attempt to soothe the migraine.

Dabi had a small grin on his lips, "Just a sip, Yuuki," He chuckled, grabbing the cup from Daso and holding it close to her forehead.

"Actually, I'd rather not be suffering a damn hangover tomorrow. I have something very important happening," Yuuki muttered, forcing herself from Dabi's protective hold.

Dabi paused for a moment before he realized what she meant, "Oh shit," He muttered, "I forgot about that,"

A large, almost excited smirk grew on Futeiki's lips upon hearing this, "What is this special occasion, mon amie?" He asked, speaking French towards the end.

"What are those people who look a brains called?" Yuuki immediately asked, turning her head to look at Kaso, who had only just arrived.

"A neurologist," Kaso mumbled in response, pulling his leg up as he sat on the arm of the couch.

"Yeah," Yuuki turned her attention back to Futeiki, "I'm gonna go see a neurologist," She informed.

"Wait," Chie suddenly spoke up from her spot next to Koibito, "Why the hell are you going to a brain doctor?" She asked.

Yuuki's cheeks flushed slightly and she rubbed her neck nervously, "Uhm, I just want to?" She mumbled, shrugging.

"Its because of the constant migraines that she's been having," Sensedai instantaneously spoke, earning a quizzical look from everyone.

Yuuki sent him a sharp, angry glare, which he remained unfazed by, and then moved back into Dabi's arms.

"Do you need someone to take you, Yuuki?" Chie asked, "Or someone to wait for you?" She questioned.

"Dabi's driving me, actually," Yuuki informed as he rested his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist, "I mean, you are welcome to wait if you'd like," She replied.

Chie smiled, "That I will," She assured, "But when will you get the results back?"

Yuuki paused for a moment, unsure of the answer. She never really bothered to ask the doctors about that, and sort of assumed she'd have immediate results.

"Uhm, I don't really know," She stated, rubbing her neck.

The conversation stopped there and everyone finally settled on watching something on the TV. Futeiki and Sensedai seemed the least excited about that and complained non stop.

Dabi was slowly growing more and more irritated with Sensedai's voice and presence. The only way Yuuki knew this for sure was whenever Sensedai would speak, Dabi's arms would tense up and his jaw would clench.

"Would you shut the hell up for even a second?" Dabi finally snapped, sending a glare towards the red eyed male.

"Nope," Sensedai retorted, "If you have a- OW!" His whipped his head around to glare at Chie, who had thrown her heels at him.

"Boys," She chidded, "Stop acting like two year olds and watch the goddamn movie," She snapped.

Dabi huffed out an angry breath and tightened his arms around Yuuki. Instead of sitting in the chair like a normal person, Dabi decided to lay across it, his legs dangling over the arm of the chair. Normally, Yuuki would sit in front of the chair, but to Dabi that was simply to close to Sensedai and forced her to lay on top of him, her back pressed against his chest. It took a lot of careful moving for Yuuki to finally get comfortable, but it happened.

In the very deepest part of her mind, Yuuki also knew that this was another way to tell Sensedai that she was unavailable. Of course, she wasn't complaining as he was pretty comfortable to lay on, but it was kind of embarrassing; especially whenever Kaso started making crude jokes about the position.

Dabi's hand had moved underneath Yuuki's shirt and was resting against her stomach, occasionally brushing against one of the scars she had or drawing a small circle.

The lights were completely turned off, but the lighting from the TV was brighter than what Yuuki would deem necessary and forced her to close her eyes, shielding them from the glaring lights that made her migraine feeling 10,000× worse.

"When did we ever become boring?" Futeiki asked bluntly, "We use to go out and fuck shit up,"

Koibito let out an annoyed groan and then sighed, "Just watch the damn movie," He muttered.

"But I'm serious!" Futeiki exclaimed, "Ever since we became adults and shit we just...stopped being fun," He whined, "I've already aged fifty fucking years watching this movie,"

Yuuki groaned in annoyance and pressed her face into Dabi's neck as Sensedai spoke, "He's not wrong. We use to do really stupid shit together and now we just suck,"

Yuuki felt a sly smirk growing on Dabi's lips and immediately her hand shot up to cover his mouth, stopping whatever insult that was about to fly from his mouth. A small sigh left her lips as she waited for their complaining to cease so she could talk.

"The only reason we're boring is because we now actually have a life and bills to pay and jobs to go to," She stated, "Plus, we can't just go out whenever especially when we are all pretty much wanted by the police,"

"I only joined the Villainy business because I wanted something to do. Most of it involves being a pussy," Futeiki grumbled.

Dabi cocked a brow and turned his head, making Yuuki's hand fall off, "Most of the shit you guys do can put you away for life. Better safe than sorry," He stated.

"You and your team have done worse than us," Yuuki replied, squeaking out a gasp when Dabi pinched her side.

"Your old lady has a point," Sensedai spoke.

"Guys, seriously, shut up," Chie moaned out in annoyance, "We'll discuss this after the movie,"

Hacking The Hacker *Dabi x OC*Where stories live. Discover now