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The Littles spend their day imploring to their Caregivers to eat some sweets and finally they were able to do so.

In the end they had a table full of packages of cakes, pop corns, marshmallows, chips, caramels and many other things.

Namjoon and Jungkook prepared some plates and poured some of the sweets on them, so the Littles wouldn't mess the whole packaging.

Seokjin didn't take too long and grabbed a full palm of pop corn and started to eat, not caring about anything else.

He had Cookie securely under his other arm so he could enjoy the sweets too. Seokjin was even trying to give his stuffed bunny some pop corn.

Jimin decided to just eat some marshmallows because he didn't want to eat that much, which was fine, because he prefers a proper meal. He knew that eating this many sweets could make his tummy upset.

Taehyung, being the 'youngest' of them, didn't know what to eat first. He absolutely enjoy sweets and if he have a table full of them he would freaking eat them all.

Of course Hoseok knew about this, so if Taehyung abused on the sweets he would make him stop in one way or another.

Seokjin and Taehyung grabbed the same sweet and stared into each other's eyes, trying to guess who would be the first giving up.

It was the last caramel and both wanted it, so when they saw that nobody would give up, they started to push the sweet out of the other's hands.

"It's mine!" Jin said, pouting.






"Guys, stop with that." Namjoon warned. "I'm going to cut the caramel in half and you both can eat it, okay?"

The Littles pouted but they nodded anyways, watching the elder cut the caramel and giving each half of it for them.

Jimin had stopped eating and he took the hem of his skirt in his hands and timidly asked Yoongi to go to sleep.

"Okay princess, let's go have some sleep now. I bet you are tired, we had a full day."

Explaining the 'princess' situation:

One day Yoongi was playing with Jimin with his dolls and he called him 'prince', but the Little argued that he preferred to be called 'princess' instead of prince, so Yoongi nodded and agreed with that.

He understood why Jimin always plays with his dolls and makes tea parties, and why he loves his skirts so much — because since he got the first skirt he begged Yoongi to buy more which the elder didn't complain — and why he preferred pink over any other color while on his headspace.

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