What I was and What I Am Now

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Hey, my name is Sommer! Before I bore you, let me just get straight into the point. The way my story goes is not like a normal teenage girl. It for sure does start out that way though. Let me tell you about myself.
1. I was born
I was born in a small town in Nevada. Not extremely glorious, not exactly dramatic. My parents wanted to have a baby more than any other couple could and they were more than ready to be parents. They stepped into parenthood without worries or regrets. Everything was planned and on time. They had me 6 pounds and 2 ounces. Everything went right that day or so I've heard. Then I did a bit of growing and then-
2. Childhood
I moved from Nevada to Alaska for two years to be exact. It was my mother dream to live in a cabin in Alaska where my father could hunt and we could ski, ice fish, sled, and any other thing you could dream. The Aurora Boralis was my favorite part of living there. In August 1974 my younger brother was born and in 1976, my younger sister was born. This was the last call for children and my mom felt her life and mine wouldn't be complete if she didn't have two more children and I didn't have siblings. I spent a lot of time with my friends, doing crafts, playing with dolls, and sledding down hills. All that typical kid stuff. The best years of my life were spent in Alaska and I could never forget it.
3. Teenage years
This was a rough time for me at first. All the friends I made in Alaska were lost when my family had to move to Colorado for my fathers work and I was left with nothing. But after a couple of months I moved to my new school made a couple of friends and from there I ended up being one of the most popular girls in the entire school. And that is everything up until now.
So seems pretty normal right? Seems actually pretty good. Um no. Everything went to shit from there. Here is my story.
July 10th, 1982
   Something has changed. The sky is always a crappy yellowish color in the day or a horrible purple when it's raining. The meadow behind my house is dying. My mother is sick and my dad is hard at work. I almost never see them anymore. The summer is not fun and often colder than it should be. Something is sketchy. We suspect another tornado in a couple days time and after that everything will be back to normal soon. My sister and brother were playing some kind of game in the living room. Even though it seems far fetched, I felt that today was dangerous. Mysterious. There was something about this time. Something evil that I can't describe. I could go on for hours on how it feels but I can never be certain on what the meant in this unknown world that we live in. I wish I could return to my past life where I didn't have worries or stress or anxiety. Where people didn't question my mental state. Where I didn't need to think about my every decision I ever made.

July 13, 1982
I'm not sure how to start telling you this I'm not sure how my story is meant to be told. I don't want anyone to hear it for anything less dramatic and terrifying as it was to me. When I was walking home from school two days ago, pencil and journal in my back pocket, I started to hear an alarm. It was a scary sound. Absolutely horrible. I felt pure terror as I knew what this meant for me and everyone I shared their cruel earth with. Today was the day we didn't have a better thing to do but feel our truest and deepest sorrows for ourselves and everything we care about. The world is ending. We are being attacked by a tribe. I don't want to say alien because when you think of an alien, you think of a tall green monster but they were nothing of the sort. They looked like us but more developed and robotic, their skin was so fair that you could see their veins prominently. It seemed soft and porcelain like. They were tall and their eyes were darker than you could ever imagine however their hair was blonder than any color blonde you've ever seen. They seemed beautiful and mermaid like. They spoke a language that was just as attractive and light as any. The worst part about it all is that the government only warned us days before the actual attack. They kept it a secret until it was to late. They tried to reduce panic but it didn't work. My grandfather told me all these details. He knew a lot more about life than any other person I've ever met. The things he knew were things that people would need three lifetimes to understand. He told me these horror stories but they weren't just any old tales, they were off research. We seemed to be a very secretive and crazy family. Growing up, I always tried to separate myself from the things I didn't believe, but I never stopped for a second to go over how privileged I was to know before it was too late.

July 14, 1982
Im genuinely surprised I get to write in this again as I thought I was never going to. I know I talked about how my family wasn't too late but that's my family. That wasn't me, and the rest of the kids going home from school, for when I approached my house after a three mile run, I found my family was already gone. Yup. They were gone that quick. My legs trembled and I collapsed before my house that I grew up in living a perfect life with a perfect family just to find they left without me. Where is my brother and sister? Did it even matter anymore? To distraught to cry, I made my way through the door my head whipped around as I frantically ran up and down the hallways. I grabbed a blanket, a knife a flashlight with many batteries and a lot of food. Whatever I could throw in my bag, Oreos, fruit, bread, and peanut butter, you name it. I always felt like my mom was my comfort and my best friend. It hurts to know that she could leave so quick without me. When I was having a rough day I turned to my mom but now, I had nobody to turn to when the thing that was upsetting me was my own mother and I couldn't even go as far as to express my anger or sadness towards her. She would never know the way she hurt me.
   When I looked back at the house, I realized how small it seemed with no kids playing in the front yard and the porch light on. It wasn't a place I'd like to stay any longer. Not without my family. I tried not to look back as I separated myself from that very lonely place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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