Taehyung - Football Games

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"Jaaaagiiiiyaaaaa!" Taehyung complained.

"Tae Tae, how many times do I have to say that we're not dating, and what do you want?" Y/n said.

"I'm soooooo bored."

"Then what do you want to do? We're in math class for goodness sake."

"I want us to go on a date."


"Do I need to repeat that?"

"Um, yes because I'm sure you meant something el-" You were then cut off by Taehyung putting his hand over your face.

"A date," he said.


"Why don't you sound happy about that? I thought we were friends!" Taehyung said as he covered his face with his hands.

"Oh my gosh Tae, I swear you're going to-" he then cut you off again, but this time with a quick kiss.

"So, will ya?" Taehyung said.

You were still pretty shocked, so you muttered out an "okay".

"YES!" He screamed. The teacher then yelled at him to be quiet. "Sorry," he said. Taehyung was very excited. He smiled so big, you could probably see it 2 miles away.

"One question, Tae. Where are we going, again? This is a small town, not much to do."
Taehyung face immediately fell.

"Um, well, we could, um, go to a football game?"

"Well," you started. "It is Friday and I'm not cheering tonight. Works for me!"

"Okay! I'll be there at 4:30!"

"4:30? Are you crazy? The game doesn't start till 7:00!"

"Yeah I know! That gives us more time to hang out!"

At 4:30, literally 4:30. Not a minute past or until, you heard a knock on the door. "Y/N! Get yourself to the front door and let me in, please!"

You heard Taehyung, so you walked to the front door. When you opened it, he gave you a rose. "What's this for?" You asked.

"Well," he said. "We are on a date!"

"Tae. We're freaking going to a football game."

"I know..."

You took the rose happily, and put it in a vase. "Um," Taehyung started. "What?" "You're wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Won't you get cold?" "Nah. I've cheered in thin stuff, I'm good."

At 6:30, you left for the game. Because "we have to get there a little early."

"I swear by the end of the football game, you'll be my girlfriend," Taehyung said. "Um, okay then, we'll see." As you get out of the car, you ask Taehyung, "Are you going to get the chairs?"

"Chairs? I forgot the chairs."


"I brought a picnic blanket though."

"Tae, are you kidding me?"

"No!" He grabs a picnic blanket.

"Was this planned?"



"What? I wanted us to sit together!" You then facepalmed. As you guys sat down, Taehyung looked at you.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're beautiful, okay! I've loved you since the day I saw you. You're beautiful in every single way possible! I don't know if you feel-" You then cut him off by putting your hand over his face.

"Tae Tae, I feel the same way."

"What? Earlier you acted like you wanted no part of me."

"I was faking, I swear." He then kissed you very quickly. After the game, Taehyung drove you home. He walked you up to the door. "Y/N, I had a great night with you." "Same here."

"I love you, jagiya." You blushed and said, "I love you, too, oppa." You and Taehyung then kissed and you walked inside.

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