BTS - Trick-Or-Treating

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It's that one time of year. Halloween. Which means costumes and candy and other things. Oh yeah, and trick-or-treating. It's hard to treat-or-treat with 7 boys who all like you and are trying to impress you 24/7.



"You're coming trick-or-treating with us, right?"

"I'm not sure. Aren't you guys too old for that?"


"Okay then. Let me get a costume!"


"Jeongguk, don't get too excited."


So, you got your costume, (let's pretend you are in a cat costume) and walked out of your apartment. You went to the BTS dorm and walked in to six boys with costumes on.

"Yoongi, why don't you have a costume on?"

"I'm already scary enough."

"Okay then."

You looked at all seven boys. Taehyung was a ladybug, Jeongguk was a dog, Jimin was a bumblebee, Hoseok was a Sun, Yoongi was himself, Seokjin was a lobster, and Namjoon was a spider.

"Tae, why are you wearing a ladybug costume?" You said.

"Why? Am I cute?"


"WHAT ABOUT ME?" The rest of BTS said in unison.

"You're adorable."

"But I'm just cute?"

"No, Tae you're adorable too."

"BUT I WANNA BE BETTER THAN THEM!" All of BTS said in unison.

"I can't choose."

"Pwease choose me!" Jimin said.

"No, me!" Jeongguk said.

"I'm the cutest!" Taehyung said.

"I'm adorable!" Hoseok said.

"I'm the sweetest!" Seokjin said.

"I have jams!" Namjoon said.

"AND I HAVE SWAG!" Yoongi somewhat yelled.

Everyone stared at Yoongi.

"I thought you all would say something about Namjoon and his jams."


"Just me? Okay."

"You guys need to stop fighting or I'm not going," you said.


*Time Skip*

After trick-or-treat, you all stopped and got ice cream.

"Can I have some of yours?" Jeongguk said.

"Sure!" Jeongguk took the ice cream, licked it, and gave it back by getting some on your nose.

"Oops! I'll get it!" He smirked. Then, he kissed your nose and got the ice cream off.


"I got it off."

"How cute. They're perfect as a couple," someone said from across the room.

"I SHOULD SLAP YOU!" Jimin said. "SHE'S MINE!"



As they all kept fighting, you put your head on the table.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Seokjin asked.

"Yes. But would you please stop fighting over me?"

"We can try. But no promises," Yoongi said.

"We can't help it you're pretty," Namjoon said.

*Time Skip*

"I have to admit, that was fun!" You said.

"I know! I can't believe they thought you were my girlfriend!" Jeongguk said.

"You wish."

"I know."

"I'm going home," you said. "Thanks for the fun night! Love you guys." You left the apartment and went home.

"Did she say she loves us?" Hoseok said.

"I think so," Jimin said.

"I'm going to go dream about her," Yoongi said.

"Same," Taehyung said.

"Bye, guys!" Jeongguk said. "I'm going to my girlfriend's house!"

"You have a girlfriend?" Seokjin said.

"Yep. Y/N."

Everyone's mouths dropped to the floor.

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