Emotional Problems

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The next day Raven woke up in a dark room filled with thousands of books.

"Where am I?"she asked herself then immediately remembering she was in her room.

Last night the Titans escorted Raven to this dungeonous room claiming she owns it.

How did I sleep in such a creepy room?  I'm so scared.

As Raven thought about all the terrifying things that happened to her yesterday her pillow burst spreading feathers everywhere.

Before Raven could blow any thing else up she left her room to go to the living room that the team showed during the tour of the tower. When she entered the living room everyone stared at her intently.

"Hey Rae I made you your favorite drink,"Beast Boy called with a slight blush as Raven recalled him as the green one.

"Oh okay," said Raven grabbing the mug handed to her. Once she took a sip she immediately spit it out. Everyone stared at the empath with shock.

"Ugh, what is this stuff,"she said with disgust. She pours the tea into the sink and opens the fridge to grab a can of coke.

"Mmmmm.... This is great!"

"Friend Raven you do not like the tea?" Star asked with concern in every word.

"Am I supposed to?"Raven asked a little scared. The team exchanged glances.

"Umm... I guess not,"Cyborg boomed with his loud voice.

Raven sat down next to Beast Boy while he played his game. She watched him playing, studying his every move. She watched until she thought she knew enough to try and play.

"Can I try?"she questioned.

"It's kinda complicated but sure," he replied positive she would automatically lose.

1 hour later

Raven finally bet the game with her eyes burning. She turned to Beast Boy to see him staring at her. He was about to praise her when the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" Beast Boy asked.

"It's a surprise I found for you BB," Cyborg said making Beast Boy excited.

When everyone made it down stairs Beasty opened the door to see a blonde girl looking as excited as ever.

"Terra? Why are you here?"yelped the changling.

"Cyborg found me and convinced me to come see you again,"the old friend smiled with the biggest grin.

Terra invited herself into the tower and gave everyone a hug except Raven. When she saw Raven she just growled.

"You still have that witch here. Is she here to insult me more?"she spat.

Raven shrank into her hood hurt by those words. The lights shattered.

"Look who can't control her powers now,"Terra insulted.

"Umm... Terra actually..."before Robin could finish Terra interrupted him.

"What lost your voice Raven or can you not just handle insult like everyone else in the world,"Terra yelled practically spitting venom.

Raven ran towards the stairs when someone grabbed her wrist. It was the awful girl that was about to make her cry.

"What's wrong? You gonna cry?"Terra said as her last insult.

Raven lost it she started crying causing everything in the room broke. She ran to her room.

"TERRA! you need to stand down!"Robin ordered.

"It's not my fault she can't handle it," Terra retorted.

"Um, Terra she actually lost her memory," Beast Boy said in a quiet voice.

"Maybe I shouldn't have invited her back," Cyborg said sheepishly.

Beast Boy glared at his best friend and ran to find Raven.

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