Dare 5

20 1 0

Anajin: What happen?

Vegeta: Damn it , you woke up

Bardock: Is she dead?

Anajin: NO, Im not dead!

Bardock: Shit.

Anajin: Hey, Where is Goku?

Raditz: Taking a shower of 2 hours

Anajin: *knock the door*Goku?

Goku: What?

Anajin: How much have you been in there?

Goku: Just for 1 hour.

Anajin: WAIT WHT?! WHY?!

Goku: Is Raditzs fault!

Anajin: What did you do?

Raditz: I just threw a slime in his hair

Anajin: Goku! get out of the bathroom!

Goku: Fine. *comes out of the bathroom*

Anajin: You dont have slime. Ok we have to do the dare!

Goku: yayyyyy!

Raditz, Vegeta, and Bardock: SHIT!

Anajin: Vegeta: you have to hug......ME?

Vegeta: NO!

Anajin: NO!

Goku: DO IT PLEASE!!! *abandoned dog face*

Anajin and Vegeta: *sights* Fine.

Vegeta: *hugs Anajin for 1 second*

Anajin: I will never do that again.

Vegeta: I agree with you.

Bardock and Raditz: *laugh*

Anajin: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

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