Dare 11

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Anajin: So......we need to play in heaven?

Sasora: Yep.

All of them: *in heaven*

Anajin: Dabura? What is he doing here?

Goku: *attacks Dabura* Done.

Anajin: What the f**k, GOKU!!!!!!!! *punshes him in the face*

Goku: OW!!!!!

Sasora: Are you ok Goku?

Goku: Kindda.

Sasora: Ok, you dont need my help.

Anajin: *puts something in Bardock back*

Raditz: *reads it* Ok *kicks Bardock*

Bardock: WTF?!!!!? WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!

Raditz: I read the paper in your back.

Bardock: *grabs it and reads it* KICK ME?!!

Anajin: *whistling* I dont do it it was Vegeta.

Vegeta: Me what ?

Bardock: *fighting with Vegeta*

Sasora: *playing cards with Anajin* Take a card.

Anajin: *thinking* *grabs one* Oh , come on!

Sasora: I win.

Vegeta: *playing chess with Goku* I win Kakarot.

Goku: Awwwww

Anajin: Can we go to a beach ?

Sasora: Yes.

All of them: *in swim suit*

Anajin: *playing volleyball with Sasora*

Anajin: I win.

Sasora: Good play.

Anajin: You too.

All of them: *in their rooms*

Sasora: *talking with Anajin*

Goku: Good night.

Sasora: Good night.

Anajin: Good night Goku.

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