Part 1

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  Mack was so not happy about this little trip. Not at all. Especially the idea of taking it in the deep, dark forest that is rumored to be filled with dangerous animals, psychopathic killers, and so on. But did he have a say in it? NO!! He did not in any shape or form, get his word out on opposing this camping idea.

The 12-year old boy was one of those paranoid types. Not the whole 'lock-yourself-in-your-room' type of paranoid, mind you. Just one of those people that have an inner sense of things going horribly wrong before they do. He's also one of the smartest kids in his class, and he knew it. His six friends also know this, and yet they don't care about it. Willis, Luke, Alex, Mary, Jill, and Owen got most of the votes since they really haven't had a camping trip since they were little. Luke got the idea of setting it up in the forest, much to Mack's horror and everybody else's delight. Luke, as the bona fide leader of the group, assured Mack that all of those rumors he heard are probably all in his head. The bespectacled boy reluctantly agreed to that statement.

"Alrighty guys," Luke said while they were trekking to the chosen campsite. "Everybody got their camping gear loaded up?" "Got mine packed." Willis said. "Ditto." Alex followed in a rather cheeky tone. (Surprisingly considering that he usually forgets things not related to video games.) "Same." Owen, Mary, and Jill responded lastly. "Mack, did you pack your stuff?" Luke turned to the bespectacled boy last, since he knew that his friend is smart enough not to get lost without his things. "Yeah yeah," Mack in a reluctant manner. "I did." "Good." Luke said. "Because we're about a half mile to the campsite. Try to get a positive attitude will ya man? It's not gonna kill you."

"He's probably just chicken." Owen teased out. This brought out laughs from the others. Mack, blushing in embarrassment, angrily yelled out. "I AM NOT CHICKEN! I just don't think this trip is a good idea you know." "Oh don't get us all about the whole 'woods-being-filled-with-monsters' nonsense," Willis said in an annoyed tone, while checking the map he's holding. "It's all in your head. How many times do we have to you that, huh?" "30 freaking times." the light-brunette responded.

While the group of seven marched on through the dense wilderness to their destination, Mack couldn't help but feel that they're being watched by something behind the trees. The boy stopped to turn to his right when, out of the corner of his eye, a shadowy figure went past. He tried to look closer in the bushes to get a better view, but before he could do that Alex called out to him. "Hey Mack!" he yelled out. "What are you doing man? We're almost at the campsite and everybody's waiting for ya. Come on." Turning his head back in the direction of the bushes, Mack shook his head and muttered to himself "It probably is in your head" before running over to his video game addicted friend.

A few minutes of trekking through the woods passed before Luke, Mack, and the others reached the campsite. It was a small clearing, surrounded by a circle of trees, that's obviously a perfect place for a campout. Admiring the view of the stars for a bit, the camping party of seven sets up the tents first. Then when that was done, Owen and the girls gathered up some firewood needed to make a campfire. It was taking a bit longer than expected since there haven't been that many twigs on the ground to pick up. When they got enough firewood and brought them back, Willis got out his lighter and then the campfire was done.

When everything was set up for the night, the seven kids got out the crackers, chocolate, and marshmellows that are needed to make s'mores. Although a few dozen marshmellows ended up catching fire in the process, enjoying one of the best things ever made for camping truly was a blast for everybody. Of course Alex and Jill ate up more s'mores than the others due to being big eaters in all. Both of them were known as the 'Glutton Duo' because of their insatiable appetites. After that the others put away everything before relaxing for a little while. Nothing to worry about. What would there be to worry about here? It's not like things are suddenly gonna turn into something right out of a horror movie, right?
"Out of all times to take a leak..." Owen muttered irritantly. Apparently he took a few too many s'mores and now has to pee. There's no fricking way he's peeing himself in his sleeping bag. Absolutely not. And especially not near the girls, 'cause he doesn't want to get any of their stuff thrown at him. Already made that mistake when they caught him peeking into the girls' locker room after PE was over. "Dude, if you want to take a leak, at least do it somewhere where nobody can see you." Luke suggested to him. Holding his hands in front of his groin to hold it in, the dirty blond brought a flashlight with along the way. Just in case he got lost of course.
Mack and the others were telling some scary campfire stories while Owen was doing his business. "...and when they dug the driver's body, from the twisted, burning wreck. It looked like this." Jill was the one doing the story, and did one of the freakiest faces she ever conjured up, scaring everybody. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" the others screamed. Mack, peeking from behind the log he was sitting on, stuttered out loud. "T-t-t-that was s-so s-s-s-s-scary Jill. But did y-y-you really have to do that face just now?" Laughing her head off over the little scare trick she just did, the 10-year-old girl calmed herself down and apologized for that. "Sorry about that Mack," she said in a teasing manner. "You know how I am. Just couldn't help myself." "Alright enough," Luke said after the whole ordeal is settled. "Jill you really need to stop doing that. You could seriously scare somebody enough to make them pee themselves. Good thing Owen's not here to do that."

Mary, the other girl in the group, is the one person that is one of the more easy-going type of girls. But even she gets scared to a certain extent, and what her friend did basically falls in that category. "That's so gross!" she said to that statement. "How is it that he still does that even though he's not 6 years old anymore?" Everybody else shrugged at that. Guess is that Owen has a rather weak bladder.
Owen sneezed a bit while he was doing his business. "Is somebody talking about me?" he questioned to nobody in particular. "Nah. It's my imagination messing with me. That's gotta be it." Finishing up his little pee break, the dirty blond boy zips up his pants before grabbing his flashlight and walking back to the campsite. If he paid attention to his surroundings a little bit more, he would've noticed that something was watching and now following him.

Humming to himself while he's walking, Owen couldn't help but go on a trip down memory lane. The memory he's thinking of was when he went on a camping trip when he was 7 with his parents. Of course that was also the year that both of them died in the car crash that followed. The pickup truck just came out of nowhere, and by the time all three occupants of the station wagon knew what had happened a massive pile-up was in the process. Nearly 6 years have passed since that tragic day, and it still hurts in his heart even now. But he never got into a brooding mood since his mother always told him that it won't do him any good at all. All he has to do is to just keep moving forward and never let the past get him down. 'Never got the past drag me down mom,' he thought. 'Not once.'

But something drew him out of his thoughts. Owen thought he heard something in the bushes behind him. Like any rational person that's a bit curious in situations like this, he turned on his flashlight and pointed it in that direction. "Hello," he called out. "Anybody there?" 'Great Owen, now you're hearing things.' he thought to himself in a deadpanned tone. Turning around to continue his walk back to camp, he again heard the rustling in the bushes. And again he turned around and shone the flashlight in that direction. It seems that a pattern here is in play: Owen hears a rustle, he turns around and shines his flashlight to catch the culprit, and when he finds nothing he continues walking only for this pattern to repeat over and over. After a few times of this little pattern, it gets annoying real quick. The 13-year old boy, judging by the look on his face, thinks this lousy joke being played on him is done by Jill.

"Jill," he called out as shone the flashlight in the bushes for the 54th time in a row. "Would you cut that out? This has got to be one of the lousiest ideas of a prank you ever thought of you know." He never got a response. Annoyed at the silent treatment he was given, he called out another time. "If you're doing this just to mess with me, I swear I will end you!" Again no response. Owen went from annoyed to a bit worried in a few seconds. It's not like Jill to remain this quiet, especially considering that she would usually giggle like a little schoolgirl like she always does before apologizing. "Jill?" he called out for nearly one final time out into the woods. Shifting his eyes to the left, then to the right, Owen put down the flashlight and put his hand on his head to ease himself of the headache he's bound to have from this 'joke' being played on him.

"It is definitely my imagination playing tricks on me." he said in a still annoyed tone. "Don't be so sure of that," a voice said behind him. "You should've paid more attention to horror movies you know." As he turned around he saw what looks like a large animal of some kind lunged straight at him, causing him to emit the most blood-curdling scream he ever produced in his life.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Mack and the others heard this scream all the way from their campsite. And boy were they scared witless. Luke was in the middle of telling a story he had when that scream came. "What in God's name was that?!" Mary said in a terrified tone. "No idea," Luke responded. "But it sounded like Owen." He and the others stood up and brought out their flashlights to go search for their friend. Mack, on the other hand, was about to say what's on his mind. "Are you guys nuts?!" he yelled out, shocked. "Haven't you ever paid attention to what happens on TV? Campers that go out into the woods get killed off by the serial killer one by one. I propose we stay here until he comes back." "In case you haven't noticed Mack," Alex responded in an angry tone that is out of character for him. "THIS IS NOT A HORROR MOVIE YOU MORON!!! He could be in serious pain right now, and we're NOT going to leave him there to die. Sheesh, Owen was right; you really are chicken."

"I TOLD YOU I'M NOT CHICKEN!!" the bespectacled boy angrily said. "I'm just trying to do the smart thing in situations like this, that's all." The group gamer responded to that with a snort and went with the others as they were starting the search for their possibly wounded friend. As for Mack, he went into his tent and fell asleep; he was hoping that this whole turn of events was all just a bad dream when he wakes up tomorrow morning.
As the group of five kids walked into the woods, Luke came up with an idea. "In order to cover more ground, and work out the search more quicker, we're going to have to split up," he said in that leader-like tone of his. "If anybody sees anything, and I mean anything that's out of the ordinary, call us on these okay?" He was referring to the walkie-talkies that they all carried with them on the trip. They all had these same walkie-talkies when they were all little. Basically used in the game of 'cops-and-robbers' they used to play all the time. Surprisingly they still work as of right now. Everybody nodded and split up to search a different part of the forest. If any of them had looked around their surroundings, they would've seen several pairs of eyes watching them while their owners made bloodthirsty grins and thinking at the same time, 'This is so going to be good for us.'  

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