Part 5 (Finale)

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  Mack was currently reading a collection of short stories, all the while having a lit lantern nearby. This has got to be the most time things have ever been quiet with the others gone. Not that he cared about what happened to them of course. They dragged him into this whole fiasco, so in his opinion it's their problem to deal with. All that he ever wanted to be at his house, on his computer, with nobody to bother him. But instead, he had to be dragged out here, away from civilization without any way of contacting anybody in town.

"This is so relaxing for me," Mack said to himself. "Nobody to bother me, nobody to annoy me, and most importantly nobody to get me into any of their stupid antics." The bespectacled boy was about to turn a page on his book when a gloved finger stopped him from doing so. "I wasn't done reading yet," a voice said. "Sorry." replied Mack. "Had no idea somebody other than me was reading this." "No biggie." the other voice replied. "And I probably should've introduced myself before." Confused at that statement, the 12-year old boy looked up to see the owner of the voice before jumping a little, a bit startled.

Sitting cross-legged, right in front of him, was what looked to be a monkey wearing Eastern influenced clothing. The same monkey's shoes were set to the flap of the tent so that they could air out, as shown by the stink lines coming out of them. 'Did he spent a long while in those things?' was the question going through the boy's mind. Mack's eyes went to the monkey's bare feet, which were a bit sweaty but otherwise surprisingly free of mud and grass. His gaze then went to the weird monkey's face, which had a mischievous grin on it. There was no telling what's going on inside its head, but the boy shouldn't worry about that.

"I was also a bit rude too on my part," the boy said before bringing out his hand. "My name's Mack. Yours?" "Makuramon," Makuramon replied, bringing his hand out as well before they both shook. After that was done, Makuramon and Mack then both sat and stared at each other a little longer. It was about a minute and a half before Mack had to blink, while also asking a few questions to the new occupant of the tent. "So what exactly are you? And where did you come from?" he questioned. "I happen to be a Digimon, which is a short term for Digital Monster. And as to your second question, I come from a place called the Digital World. It happens to be inside the computers and other technological advancements that you humans use every day. Me and my friends have come here in your world to find some recruits for a different kind of Digimon that we happen to belong to. But not before having something to eat of course, since we accidentally ate the food we had before arriving."
The explanation behind the reason for Makuramon coming here was not what the bespectacled boy expected, but at least it was within reason. To think that there was a whole new world aside from the one he knows oh so well. And within the confines of human technology. Well, you know the saying: Life is full of surprises. What confused him however, was the part centering around the different kind of Digimon Makuramon and his friends belong to. No doubt they belong to some sort of secret society, if the mark on his right shoulder signifies anything.

"One more question," he asks the Digimon in front of him. "What's with that mark on your shoulder?" Seeing the boy point to his mark, Makuramon explains what it is in a casual tone. Almost like stating the obvious. "This is my special mark." The monkey explains. "Other Digimon that have this mark aside from myself are known to be...special in a way. My friends also have it. Don't ask me how I got it. I was just born with it. Nothing more, nothing less." Raising an eyebrow at that somewhat cryptic answer, Mack then glanced at the monkey Digimon's feet, which are still bare and sweaty.

Seeing the boy's gaze shift to his feet, the Deva smirked a bit before pushing the boy with one foot onto the tent floor. "Did somebody get interested in my feet all of a sudden?" he questioned in a mischievous tone. "'Cause I could see their eyes staring at them for few seconds before I caught them." Blushing both in embarrassment and having been caught, Mack decides to come clean with his little secret. "I...kinda have a foot fetish," he says embarrassingly. "I've also been mostly attracted to ones belonging to guys more than girls. Had it since I was five years old."

The Deva patted the boy on the shoulder before having a confession of his own. "You're not the only one here that has that. I also have a foot fetish, and get mostly attracted to guys' feet more than girls." he says. "But it doesn't make me sexist or anything like that. I'm respectful and polite to women, mind you." "Well this is...surprising," Mack said after hearing Makuramon's confession. "At first I thought you'd be a-" "DON'T YOU DARE IMPLY THAT I'M A PERVERT, YOU INCOMPETENT FOOTLICKER!!!" the monkey Digimon angrily interrupted while giving the boy a death glare. "Y-yes sir," the 12-year old said, scared. "Sorry sir." "Good." Makuramon said in a happy tone. "Glad we had that taken cared of."

'That...was scary,' Mack thought. 'This guy has got some serious issues. Of course that might be an understatement if I knew him better.' His guess about the cause of the sudden mood swing he dealt with centered around the part of him being assumed as a pervert. The Digimon probably hates perverted people to the point where if he ever sees one, he'll probably castrate them slowly and painfully. 'Better steer clear of him when he does that.' Mack thought while shivering a little.

"So anyway," Mack says, changing the subject. "There wouldn't happen to be anyone other than you here, would there?" Nodding in response, Makuramon then opened up the tent flap to reveal a werewolf like creature. "Did somebody call for me?" the creature said in a cheeky manner. The boy pinched the bridge of his nose at that question. 'I had to ask.' he thought, exasperated. "Hi there, the name's WereGarurumon," WereGarurumon said while bringing out a clawed hand to the boy. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Blinking his eyes in confusion, the bespectacled boy shook the wolf Digimon's hand, while returning the greeting. "Name's Mack." he said. "And I want to know, how long were you out there?"

"Meh, the whole time you talked to my monkey friend here," WereGarurumon said, pointing a thumb to Makuramon. "By the way, you should probably be a little more careful on what you say to him next time. He doesn't act nicely to calling him a pervert. He really hates them with a passion. Just like he hates getting rudely interrupted for no apparent reason." "Why?" the boy questioned. "As I said earlier in our conversation with each other," the monkey Digimon joined in. "I happen to respect women, both in body and mind. Guys that get attracted to just their bodies alone, and the way they mistreat them like they were objects of pleasure and not living, breathing people with minds of their own, gets my data streams boiling. If I ever come across any one of these sick freaks, he'll be getting an extremely painful punishment from me."

Hearing what Makuramon said got his earlier thoughts about the castration part right, and backed away from him a bit just to be safe. Neither of the Digimon took notice of this as WereGarurumon continued the conversation. "Now my Deva friend here and I have been wanting to know why you're here all by yourself?" he asked Mack. "We've been a bit curious at that." Said Deva nodded in agreement with the question, since he wanted to know too.

"Well, to make the long story short," Mack sighed. "One of my friends was screaming when he went into the forest to take a wiss. Scared the heck out of all of us when we heard it. The leader of our little camping group, Luke, decided to go searching for him out in that mass of trees. I, as one of the smart ones, voted against the search and tried to talk some reason into the guys. But they never listened and went in anyway. And I've been here since about a few hours passed." After hearing that short summary of the story given to them, WereGarurumon and Makuramon thought about it for a bit. It did sound reasonable, since the boy didn't want to get dragged into any shenanigans his friends get into. And the friend described in it was similar to the human they attacked and devoured earlier. Before killing another human that was nearby unfortunately. It was at that point in their thoughts that both Ultimate Digimon realized that those two humans were his friends, and they killed them.
Both of them looked at each other in worry while the boy resumed his reading, before shaking their heads and wearing a determined expression as they both nodded to each other in agreeing unison. They will see to it that this human boy is one of their own. And not just that, they will also see to it that the boy doesn't find out what happened to those two boys that died by their hands. Ever. For if he did find out, Mack would simply break down from grief and horror to the point where he would never trust the two Digimon again.

"Hey Mack," WereGarurumon asked him. "Have you ever felt that urge to become something more? That feeling where you get bored with your normal, everyday life that doesn't have anything interesting to show you? Wanting to get some excitement in your life?" To say that Mack was a bit surprised at hearing that would be an understatement. In fact, he was caught completely off guard when WereGarurumon asked those questions to him. But there was a point behind them. After all, his life has been a bit dull now that he thought about it. However, it doesn't mean that it's boring per se.

He's one of those kids that tend to like going to school, and it would scare him to know that he'd never go back. It was one of the escapes from the stress and pain going on through his family at home after his mom recently died from a car accident, devastating both Mack and his father. The studying provided enough distraction from the grief he had to deal with in the months following his mother's funeral. Mack just wanted to escape from the pain of losing her, and his friends knew of that pain since they went to the funeral as well that day.

"Well sometimes," the boy responded to WereGarurumon's questions. "Sometimes I just feel like I want to escape the pain of losing my mom. But look, I'm afraid I can't accept that offer you two just gave me." Seeing the shocked and confused looks on their faces, he gave them a reason why. "I just want to have a normal life. I've seen things like this happen before. They never end well for the one being offered this. They end up even more miserable they already are. If you two think I'd been that kind of person to just simply accept what you have in mind, then you are so mistaken my friends. Forget it. No deal. None. Got it?" Unfortunately for the boy, the response he received wasn't what he expected at all. In fact, the Digimon's responses almost scared him out of his wits.

Both Digimon had a sickeningly sweet expression on each of their faces. What scared him even more was what they said while wearing that expression. "We were hoping you would say something like that," Makuramon said. "The both of us would now get to do it the old fashioned," WereGarurumon added. "And the 'old fashioned' way you two are talking about is...?" Mack asked, fearfully. "Oh you'll see," Makuramon responded, while WereGarurumon went behind the 12-year old boy, grabbed both of his arms with one hand before bringing them behind the boy's back, and used one hand to grab onto his head and holding it sideways so that his neck becomes visible.

"W-w-what's going on?" Mack stuttered out. "What're you doing to me?" He tried to move his arms, but couldn't since the grip on them was very strong. "Making you something more...special to say the least," WereGarurumon responded. "We should warn you though, this is going to be a bit painful." The boy was about to ask when he saw Makuramon open his mouth, exposing four extremely sharp canines, and clamps them down onto the boy's neck. If anyone else was within hearing range of the campsite, they would've heard the really loud scream of agonizing pain headed their way.

As Mack continued screaming in agony and pain from the bite on his neck, he struggled to get free from the grasp of the werewolf Digimon behind. But it was to no avail. He was in so much pain to not notice his skin and clothes strip away, piece by piece, revealing a gridlike wireframe texture underneath. The two Digimon however, noticed the stripping and smiled. Makuramon unclasped his teeth from the boy's neck, so that he could see the transformation unfold right in front of him. WereGarurumon, on the other hand, kept his grip on the boy as he did the same.

By the time the 12-year old knew what was happening to him, the entirety of his body was stripped away, leaving a wireframe shaped into him. But the worse, unfortunately, was yet to come. The human shaped silhouette of the wireframe shifted, becoming something that was both familiar and different at the same time. The head became a bit oval shaped, in the exact shape of the monkey Deva in the tent. Height started increasing drastically, reaching about a few feet until stopping as it matched Makuramon's height of about 6-8 feet. Part of the wireframe bulged out from where the tailbone was supposed to be, forming into what looked to be a tail. A monkey's tail at that. What happened next was the skin returning to the wireframe body, albeit a different one entirely.

It was so quick, as the skin returned to the boy's body, that a bright flash briefly covered him for about a few seconds. Nearly blinding both Ultimate Digimon, it eventually receded and faded enough to give Makuramon and WereGarurumon a view of the new Digimon that they're seeing in front of them. The latter of the two let go the transformed boy's arms, in order for him to see his new form.

Mack panted a bit from the pain he received from the bite on his neck, as he looked down and inspected his changed body with shock and horror mixed together. He looked at his hands first, seeing them covered with the same gloves Makuramon wore on his. Afterwards, his gaze went to his arms as they had brown fur on the skin. Gaze going even more down to the rest of the body, as he was wearing the exact type of clothes that the monkey Digimon was wearing instead of the khaki pants and blue-green shirt he had earlier. Even his shoes became those resembling the monkey Deva's.

Desperate to look for the mirror in his backpack that he brought with him, Mack rummaged through it before finally finding it next to his binoculars. Slowly bringing the mirror to his face, while tightly closing his eyes shut in case he was dreaming all of this. When the mirror went up to his face, he slowly open one eye, then the other, and look at the reflection in the mirror he was holding. Instead of his normal, human reflection staring back at him, it was one of Makuramon's. Only, it was now his. The transformed boy touched his face in order to feel it as real.

"This can't be happening. This can't be happeniing. This can't be happening," he muttered in disbelief. Mack said this over and over again as he dropped the mirror, which of course landed back into the backpack, and felt every inch of his body with his gloved hands in order to ensure that it was all in his head. But when he felt the tail last, let's just say he freaked out.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed the second Makuramon in fear, devastation, and overall horror. "I'm a monster! A monster for crying out loud! How am I gonna explain this to the others when they get back? I gotta get out of here, away from these psychotic Digimon that made me this way!!" He was about to take a step out of the tent the moment he opened the flap when his body just stiffened and froze in place.

'What the...? Why is my body not moving?' he thought in confusion. Then he heard the monkey Deva go behind him, hands on his shoulders. "Why are you screaming?" the Deva questioned to Mack in a low voice. "You should be happy for this. I have given you a chance to be something different. That was all I asked of you. And what do you do in return? You freak out like you were dying or something along that line. Honestly, why is it that you humans do something like that is SO beyond me! Now come back inside, sit down, AND SHUT YOUR TRAP!!" With a lot of force put into his hands, Makuramon dragged Mack away from the tent flap, set him down on the floor, and closed the tent flap.

"Ugh, it is always the same with nearly every single one of you humans when you come across something you don't ever understand," the Deva says to Mack. "But of course your reaction is a bit understandable, so I'm not complaining that much." "I agree with you pal," WereGarurumon added in to the conversation. "We should probably tell him about the kind of Digimon that we both tend to belong to before he goes insane from lack of information." The second Makuramon's interest was caught the moment he heard those words come out of the werewolf Digimon's mouth, as he calmed down from his freakout and listened to the Digimon that made him one of them.

"What are you two talking about?" he questioned them. "Just what exactly are you? What kind of Digimon do you and your friends happen to be a part of? You did say that you were special in a way in our earlier conversation when I asked about that mark." He saw both of them sit down and give him a look, right before telling him. "We are...weredigimons to be honest." answered WereGarurumon.

"Weredigimons...?" Mack repeated in a confused manner. "Like... werewolves from those movies I used to watch?" Makuramon and WereGarurumon nodded to the questions given to them. "Yes, pretty much." Makuramon said. "Only a bit more complex than that."

"Weredigimons happen to be one of the most enigmatic types of Digimon in the history of the Digital World to be honest, as nothing much is known about our kind." the Deva continued. "However, what is known is that we happen to be a bit...bloodthirsty. One of the key major differences, however, is that we detect levels of negativity inside the hearts of any victims that we hunt down. In our perspective, the more evil they have in their heart, the more delicious they are in our eyes. By the time those would-be meals of ours find out about us, it'll already be too late for them before they even try to escape."

"Another trait that makes us unique is our very high level of intelligence, making us super smart in simple terms. It's what helps with any teamwork that our kind has when we get into groups of two or more. Plus it also helps with the supersonic speed that we have when we capture our prey. The combination of both our speed and intelligence has been enough to anybody creeped out. Especially when we go a bit...relentless in our hunts."

"That's right. We weredigimon can get pretty persistent, and even more dangerous, when we go for the kill. Any way we stop our hunts is if either our prey is caught and captured, dead, or somehow managed to escape us. That last thing only happens very rarely, and is least likely to happen."

Hearing all of that completely stunned (as well as scared a bit) the second Makuramon. Letting all of that information settle in his head for a few seconds, Mack then gets a bit curious about the first Makuramon, as well as WereGarurumon. "Is every Digimon in the Digital World a weredigimon?" he asks. The response he got in return were two looks of shock and surprise as the two Ulitmate level Digimon looked at each other, then back to him. At that moment, he felt even more curious since it probably surprised even them.

" that you think about it, there have been some things about our kind that even we don't know the reason of." WereGarurumon answers. "To be honest, not exactly. Only Beast and Animal type Digimon are weredigimon. However, the only tell-tale sign of these two types that show them to be like us is the mark that our kind has. You don't need to worry, not all Beast and Animal Digimon are weredigimon." That brought a sigh of relief to the now third Digimon in the tent, as he was about to pee his pants otherwise. And in his honest opinion, Owen wasn't the only one that haven't stopped peeing himself when he gets scared greatly. "That's a relief," Mack said in a relaxed tone. "For a second there, I thought I was gonna deal with a lot of unusual Digimon in my lifetime. But wait, out of all the types of Digimon in your world, why are Beast and Animal type Digimon the only ones capable of becoming weredigimon?"

"To be honest, we've been meaning to ask that same particular question for as long as we can remember." replied Makuramon. "None of us know the answer to why only those two particular types were chosen. Heck, we didn't even know which Digimon became the very first weredigimon, nor did we figure out when. That part of our kind's history has been a complete blank, so there's nothing we could know about it. Been baffling even the smartest of us." The other Ultimate Digimon nodded in agreement. He may not be the type to read much, but even he was curious as to that titbit of the history of the weredigimons and how they came to be in the first place. It's been haunting him ever since he was a Gabumon, which was at that stage that he found out about what he really is.

"But enough of that history lesson, why don't we finish our little business here and get back to the Digital World?" WereGarurumon said as he got out of the tent and stretched his limbs. "For all we know, some of our friends have already managed to get a few new recruits in our ranks. And to think, that we were going to eat nearly all of them." What the wolf Digimon said confused the second Makuramon however, as it sounded like he and the original monkey Deva Digimon were like the bloodthirsty creatures he originally related them to. Seeing the look of confusion on their new friend's face, both Ultimate Digimon then have to tell him what they mean.

"You see Mack, there was more to what we had to tell you when we first met you," the Deva confessed to Mack. "Originally, we planned on devouring you and your friends, which we've managed to do to two of already. But, after some considerations and some thought, we have then decided to go for recruiting you instead. As one of our abilities was reading the minds of whoever we choose, some of us have discovered some very painful things about most of your friends. We may be bloodthirsty, but we're not heartless you know." Hearing those words of confession come from the two shocked, as well as horrified, Mack straight to the core of his very being. Normally he would've been angry at them for what they did to his friends, but after hearing what one of those abilities revealed about, he calmed down knowing about what they were talking about. A month before this camping trip, they had a sleepover at his house while his dad was taking a business trip for the weekend.

It started off as small talk at first, but it eventually became some sort of sharefest of their deepest, darkest memories that they've kept hidden from each other. Eventually, they all knew a bit more about each other than they did before. It felt like a long time ago if anybody was going to ask him about it. So if WereGarurumon and Makuramon know about it, then that must mean that they've known about Alex's problem too.

"Does... that mean that you also...?" he reluctantly asked before getting an answer from the monkey Deva. "Yes, we know of your gamer friend's bullying problem," Makuramon said. "Don't worry, weredigimon tend to go through something like that too." That brought about a look of understanding from the third Digimon at the camp since it seems that even in the Digital World that problem still lingers. It was enough reason for him to calm down before getting back to being curious.

"There wouldn't happen to be any girl weredigimon, would there?" he asked. The reaction he got was enough to make him giggle, as Makuramon and WereGarurumon both blushed in embarrassment and began babbling incoherently. He grabbed his cellphone out of his backpack, opened up the camera app, and took a picture of the two Ultimate Digimon continue their babbling. When that was done, Mack put the phone back before speaking to the wrecks in front of him. "Relax you two, I was just kidding," he said. "I just wanted to see how you would react. And it sure is hilarious to see, hahahahaha!"

Snapping out of the stupor they were in, the two Ultimate Digimon then glared at Mack before the original monkey Deva stretched out his left hand, touched the mark on the spot where he bit the boy, and said the word "sleep." After Mack dropped into dreamland when he said it, he grabbed hold of his new Beta's body and walked out of the tent with WereGarurumon following them both.
As all three Digimon at the camp left the tent, they came across the other members of the group that came to the Human World. It would seem that judging by the emptiness of the campsite, they were packing up the humans' camping equipment the whole time that Makuramon and WereGarurumon were talking with Mack. Gazimon was carrying a few rolled up sleeping bags on his shoulders when he stepped over to them. "What took you guys so long?" he asked in an irritated tone. "We had to double the load here since we wanted to get rid of any traces of the humans that were here." Both of the Ultimate leveled Digimon blinked in confusion before seeing the others continue packing everything up.

Few seconds later, their expressions change to deadpan before giving an explanation. "We were just having a little chat with the kid," WereGarurumon said in a deadpan tone. "What else?" "Did you honestly expect us both to know that you guys were already out here?" the original monkey Deva chimed in, also in a deadpan tone. "To be honest, we thought we were the only ones in the camp until now. So if you value not ending up in one of my 'home videos', then I suggest that you zip it before I GO OVER THE DEEP END!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" "Yes sir. Sorry sir." Gazimon said, afraid. Everyone else paused on what they were doing and turned their heads into Makuramon's direction with a scared expression. They were really close to having to endure another one of the Deva's psychotic episodes, which would've eventually ended up in being in one of his films with them being tortured in some way.

Fear turned to relief when they saw him calm down, as the rest of the group of weredigimon released the breath that they each had unknowingly held. After that, they resumed their work as if nothing had happened a few seconds ago. The ones that had a Beta of their own simply lay them next to a tree a few feet to their left. Said Betas were sleeping very soundly and peacefully, as the only signs were their chests moving up and down from their silent snoozing. They were all still exhausted from the stress of their respective transformations, and none of them would wake up for about 10 more hours. By the time they wake up they wouldn't even be in the world that they know.
As the last of the camping equipment was put away, the group of seven Digimon then made preparations for the trip back to the Digital World. Leomon drew what looked to be a circle with an intricate and somewhat bizarre pattern surrounding it. Putting away the stick used to draw said circle, the Lion Digimon then stepped inside it as he carried the still sleeping DemiLeomon in his arms. WereGarurumon joined in after him, followed by the Gato twins carrying the two Salamon in their paws. Gazimon was next, carrying the food containers that the kids had brought with them. He was a bit pleased about it though.

Gargomon had his Beta in his arms as well when he stepped in next, all the while carrying some of the backpacks the campers brought with them. Not only is one of the more laid back of the group of Digimon, but he is also one of the strongest of them. He never minded the extra baggage that much. The gun using Digimon was looking upon Willis as he snoozes in his arms with a look of fondness of his muzzle like face. The both of them are really going to have a lot of fun when they get to his home.

The very last one to step into the circle was of course the resident Deva as he also had his Beta in his arms as well. As Makuramon wore an expression of calmness, he placed one foot inside the circle before the other followed. Seeing that everybody else was inside with him, the monkey Digimon then took a deep breath before he said the following words. "Transport Gate Open!" were the words that came from Makuramon, which was followed a flash of light that lasted a few brief seconds before fading. The circle that was drawn into the ground vanished, almost as if it was there in the first place.

The 12 Digimon that were there in the circle were nowhere to be found. Most likely that they got to the Digital World successfully. And as for the five of the seven kids that were camping that day, they would all be having an unexpected experience once they wake from their sleep. VERY unexpected indeed.  

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