Part 3

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  Willis was washing his face while he was next to the edge of a river. He was taking a little break in his search for the dirty blond that was his friend, and to be honest it was getting nowhere at that point. The silver-haired 14-year old was one of the oldest in the group, following Luke who is a year older than him. He also happens to be an excellent marksman as well, as shown when he threw a small rock straight into a tree on the other side of the river.

His marksmanship skills came in handy when it comes to airsoft wars, paintball wars, and so on. Willis practiced with a slingshot when he was just 4 years old, and he was a pro at knocking down the used cans he shot at. None of his friends had a chance against him in the airsoft and paintball wars they participated in. As a quick hand when it comes to an airsoft gun or a paintball gun, he is nearly unbeatable.

Also noteworthy is that he is a very excellent dodger as well, as noted during the water balloon fights he and the others have gotten into a few years earlier. Out of the group that included him and his friends, Willis never got hit by a single water balloon. To be honest the others were a little scared of the silver haired boy when it centered around something like that. He understands their feeling since he sometimes gets scared of himself too. Of course the others were also thrilled and got enough motivation to try to take him down in these competitions, but no matter how hard they tried it was all in vain.

"Enjoying your trip down memory lane buddy?" a voice said on the teen's right side. Turning his head to that particular direction, Willis was seeing what looked to be a creature that was a cross between a rabbit and a dog wearing gatling guns on its hands. "Yeah I was," the teen said, before asking the creature. "And you must be..." "The name's Gargomon," the now named Gargomon introduced himself, bowing with one gatling appendage behind his back while the other in front of him. "I was out taking a little walk after a meal I recently had when I caught sight of you. What seems to be up on your side of the forest?" "I happen to be looking for somebody I know," Willis replied. "Me and my friends thought we heard him screaming like he was gonna die or something."
Hearing what he said made Gargomon pale. 'Oh crud. Oh crud! OH CRUD!!' Realizing that the meal he and his companions had was this human's friend, the trigger happy Digimon regained his composure seeing that said human wasn't even looking at him when he said that. "So that's why you're out here?" he said to the boy. "If that's true then why are alone out here?" "My bud Luke has us split up to search for him better. Thought it'd cover more ground." Nodding in understanding, Gargomon joined the teen as he sat down next to him.

Gargomon, despite his status as a warrior type of Digimon, is one of the more laid back of the bunch. He never lets things bother him that much, no matter what it was. All he ever wants to do in life is simply relax and take a nap for a little while. But people shouldn't underestimate him because of that, as he is also a quickdraw when he gets into battles with other Digimon. Every time he gets into those, his personality changes to becoming competitive and cocky. After the battle, or in some cases competition he's in ends, he switches back to his old self in an instant.

He met Makuramon and the others when he was just a Terriermon, surviving in the wild parts of the Digital World. Said parts live off the phrase 'Survival of the fittest' as the inhabitants try to survive from the predator Digimon tearing them apart and absorbing their data. Back then, he was still laid back as he is right now, but of course he was also more cautious of his surroundings. Nobody would blame him since what happened to him back then was still happening today. Only difference between then and now was that he digivolved during his training and subsequent meals made from his defeated opponents.

How he met the monkey Deva was a bit simpler. Both of them were searching for food to eat so they wouldn't starve. An apple was hanging from a tree branch above them when they both stopped in their respective searches. Terriermon started climbing the tree using his long, prehensile ears in order to get the piece of fruit hanging on top of the branch.

Seeing the little Terriermon climbing the tree to get the apple, Makuramon got confused as to why a rookie Digimon like him would be doing out here all by his lonesome. But he soon figured that said rookie is probably starving like he was, and was trying to eat that apple upon reaching it. Almost teasingly, the monkey Deva conjured up a Treasure Ball and threw it above the branch. The resulting smoke was enough to momentarily blind the rookie Digimon, giving Makuramon enough time to get to the apple, snatch it from the tree, and jump down straight to the ground.

When the smoke cleared up, the little rookie saw no trace of the apple on the tree anymore. Swinging his head back and forth so he could find the culprit responsible for taking his food, it was only when he heard the crunching of said food that made him look down below him. A bit angry at the guy, Terriermon jumped into the air and launched himself with his Terrier Tornado attack straight at him. He was about a few inches of his target when all of a sudden the Deva stopped his attack by simply stretching out his gloved hand and grabbing the rookie's head. Things got a bit blurry after Terriermon was thrown straight into the ground, just a second after getting caught off guard.

Seeing that he impressed after witnessing the amount of power the little rabbit Digimon had, the monkey Deva walked up to him and gave him an offer to join him. Hearing the promise of food and safety got his interest and the rest is history. As to the subject of his digivolution, as already stated earlier it was during his training. Said digivolution didn't change his personality, as he's still laid-back as ever, but it doesn't mean any of his opponents should underestimate him. That will the last mistake any of them will make before getting pumped full of lead.
"Hey dude, you okay?" a voice said, interrupting Gargomon of his reminiscing. "Yeah I'm fine," the champion Digimon replied waving a gatling gun covered paw in dismissal. "Just going through memory lane like you were a few minutes ago. That's all." "Oh." After saying that, Willis resumed his stone throwing that was interrupted by the strange arrival of his new companion. Stone after stone was sent skipping the river before reaching the other end of it, slamming into the trees.
Watching the human throw those stones in his hands like that nearly brought his attention rather quickly. As the gun toting Digimon observed how the boy aimed to the other side of the river, he got more and more curiouser of him. "Hey Willis," Gargomon asked the boy. "How did you learn to aim like that?" Willis shrugged in response before answering. "Don't know. Just comes naturally to me I guess. I was the best shot since I was a kid." "Why don't we have ourselves a little contest then?" the champion 'Mon said with a cocky grin. "To see who out of the two of us is the better shot." As he moved back and forth in thought on the idea, Willis couldn't help but wonder why his new companion would want to challenge him after just knowing the rabbit-dog thing for only a few minutes.
Out of all the randomest of things to happen, getting challenged into a shooting competition is probably one of the unexpected. On the plus side though, was that at least he gets to shoot something to keep his mind occupied during his break from his part in the search for Owen. After contemplating, Willis finally relents. "Okay," he says. "Let's do this."

Grinning at the acception, Gargomon brought out some discs that have been used to shoot at as part of training one's accuracy or something related to it. Exactly where the champion Digimon got them was a mystery, but it didn't matter at the moment. He saw the human boy bring out a .44 Magnum handgun from his backpack, right before checking the clip inside for ammo to use for the contest. Witnessing the amount of ammo in the clip for a few seconds, the champion Digimon grabbed only 12 of the discs he had before putting the rest back into what has dubbed as the 'hammerspace' pocket dimension inside his jeans.

Setting the 12 discs up on the rocks next to a waterfall, Gargomon used the supersonic speed of his to get the supplies for making the scoreboard in order to keep track of the subsequent points both of the competitors get when they hit a target. The disks were divided into three colors, representing differing numbers of points for each one. Red equals 1 point, yellow equals 3, and blue equals 5. The object of this competition is to get the most points as possible in under 30 seconds. The player that has hit the most discs and received the most points is declared the winner.

"You ready?" Willis asked the Digimon. "Was born ready," was the reply. "Then, let's get started." The boy said. The game started the moment the 30 second timer activated. As quick as a flash Willis and Gargomon drew their respective weapons and immediately started firing at the discs just a few feet from them. Said discs are being riddled with bullet holes from both competitors as they fired their clips of ammunition before reloading.

A loud "RIIIIIINNNNNNG" drew the attention of both the human and Digimon alike. Seeing that the 30 seconds passed, they were both surprised since they were just in the zone they both go into when they each have their fun. Both of them shrugged their shoulders before checking the scoreboard that was connected to the discs. If a disc was hit, the scoreboard catches the point and displays it like the ones used in stadiums. The names of the competitors were featured above the respective scores, as it was easy to tell who's who.

The score below Willis' name had 18, the one below Gargomon's 16. Willis won by two points, but it was enough to declare him the winner. "YES! I WON!" he exclaimed in delight. Gargomon, despite losing the competition, was a good sportsman and walked over to the boy to congratulate him. "Nice job man," he said to the silver-haired boy. "I had to say I was impressed. Where I come from, I was among the best marksmen around. Seems that I met my match when I came here." "Same here," replied the 14-year old boy as he shook the Digimon's gatling gun covered hand.

As he turned to get his stuff to resume his search for Owen, the teen didn't notice the gun using Digimon walk to him while wearing a small, relaxed yet cunning grin. And with every step he took, Gargomon's grin got bigger and bigger until you could see his canines sticking out of it. He could almost see the boy's neck in his line of vision, before he wraps his arms around the boy. This action caught the boy off guard, judging by his sudden jump and the expression on his face.

"What's with ya man?" Willis questioned the champion Digimon whose arms are wrapped around his shoulders. "I need to find my friend. So would you please let go of me?" But the only response he got in return was a smile before the boy felt the Digimon's teeth sink into his neck, bits of blood streaming out and down his back. And then the freakiest thing happens.

What appears to be streams of data is coming out of the wound, with Gargomon's teeth still lunged inside. Even more frightening was the fact that the data streams are covering his clothes as well as his skin. Try as he might, Willis couldn't move any parts of his body due to the paralyzing effects of the bite on him. Being held by Gargomon's big arms doesn't help his situation either. As the data streams continue covering up more and more of him, Willis is trying to get the last few moments leading to the situation he's in properly sorted out.

None of mattered anyway as the data streams have saturated his torso, going downward to his lower body. After the lower body was covered up in a disturbingly fast pace, the data streams went toward his neck. Was this how he was gonna die? Was it? Is this his intended fate?

Sensing his distress, Gargomon removed his teeth from the boy's neck before whispering in his right ear. "You don't need to worry my friend," he said in a reassuring tone. "You're not going to die. You're just going through a...rebirth of sorts. You're about to become something far greater than your former life. My kind of Digimon have been doing this type of thing for as long as we can remember. So just relax, enjoy this, and everything will be alright."

Hearing those words got the teen a bit of relief at not dying, but he was confused as to what Gargomon meant by his kind of Digimon. 'And exactly what sort of rebirth is he talking about?' he questioned in his mind. The response he got to his unspoken question was the data streams covering him finishing the job by instantly going for the head faster than he could even scream.

Nothing of the boy underneath the streams of data covering him was visible. The only sign of him in there was his silhouette, which wouldn't be recognizable at the moment when the next part of what's about to happen is starting. A large egg-like cocoon then suddenly appeared in wrapped up the data covered boy. Gargomon was smiling at this part since this is where things get intriguing.

The boy's shape inside the cocoon, which was completely covering him up, was changing as his skin was peeling away revealing a grid like texture underneath. Then the shape morphed and changed into a different shape altogether. Upon getting into a different shape entirely, new skin that fits the shape appears and wraps all over while other accessories and such come in here and there. It was when the process ended that the cocoon began to crack from the outside.

"That didn't take long," Gargomon remarked when he saw the still growing crack. "But it was all worth it in the end. Finally got my own Beta, and he sure is going to be a great one at that." The crack got bigger and bigger until the cocoon finally broke completely. Standing on the remains was what appears to be another Gargomon, one difference being that it was wearing Willis' clothes. Another difference is the lack of shoes on its feet, and another is the wolf head mark on its neck. An emotionless expression is adored on its muzzled face, blank eyes staring ahead towards nothing and nearly covered from the top by silver hair.

Gargomon was admiring his creation like an artist would with an artwork upon completion. He couldn't help himself. It was a true masterpiece standing right in front of him. He nodded to that thought in agreement. After all, he happens to have a mindset in which being a Digimon is far more superior than the complications humans go through day in and day out.

'Now what to do with him,' he thought to himself after admiring his handiwork. 'Better start with a simple command. Just to check the other effect of my little gift to my new Beta.' His gaze went down to the other Gargomon's feet, currently planted into the ground. 'That could work,' the first Gargomon thought with a smile on his face. "Hop on one foot," commanded the Alpha Gargomon. Obediently, the Beta Gargomon lifted his left foot and hopped on his right one. All while still wearing that same blank expression on his face.

Gargomon could see the sole of his Beta's foot as said Beta continued hopping. The relaxed and laid-back Digimon was lucky his foot fetish was accepted by the others, since they all thought it was cool. Makuramon and Leomon especially. The three of them had so much fun when it was just them. A lot of fun. And they wanted to have a Beta of their own so that they could use them to play with when they would get bored with each other for a while. Now that he has one of his own at the moment, there's no way that he could get bored.

As he was deep in thought, the gun toting Digimon rubbed between his legs with one of his gatling gun covered paws, bringing out moans of pleasure from him. After a minute of seeing his Beta hopping on his right foot, Gargomon then told B. Gargomon to now hop on his left foot, which he did robotically. Gargomon resumed rubbing at the spot on his jeans between the legs while he watched his Beta hopping up and down.

After another minute has passed since his little test, the gun user ordered his Beta to stop hopping and follow him somewhere. Both of them walked in a thick part of the woods, carrying Willis' stuff with them along the way, in order to meet up with the others when they also return. Gargomon had to admit that the time here in the Human World was a whole lot of fun since not only did he met a human that is equal to him in marksmanship skills, but he also turned said human into his very own Beta. Two goals obtained for the price of one here.  

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