The Wedding (4)

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Damien POV

"Yes, eventually. I don't how long it'll be maybe 2-5 years." I said he nodded.

Time Skip: The Wedding

Boze and I were sitting in my dressing room waiting for everyone else. We were waiting for Mari, Ian, David, Josh, and Wes. I was sat on my bed. Just looking at a wall and thinking. I wasn't sad per say, just thinking. Shayne and I had been through so much. Years of time, and love. He was my soulmate, and now he would be my husband. I felt a hot tear roll down my face. The I felt a body wrap around my shoulders. "Dames, what's wrong?" I heard Boze say quietly. "Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect actually." I responded, feeling another tear roll down my cheek. Boze wiped it away. "Then stop crying. It's making me sad." She said. I chuckled. "Okay fine," I said and we both laughed. About 10 minutes later everyone showed up. Mari and Boze sat down as the began with makeup and hair. Wes, Josh, David, and Ian took turns getting dressed. All the boys did their hair parted over to one side, as did I. The girls had their hair in braided flower crowns.

They both wore very pale grey dresses to match parts of my suit

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They both wore very pale grey dresses to match parts of my suit.

They both wore very pale grey dresses to match parts of my suit

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Both girls looked great. All the guys wore grey and white suits'

Shayne POV

I sat in my dressing room watching everyone. I was the last one still wearing my pajamas. Noah handed me my suit "Go ahead and put it one. We headed out in 20 minutes." He said, giggling. Olivia and Courtney had their hair down and flowing. They wore the same dresses as Boze and MAri. The men also had all the same outfits on. I went and got dressed. I buttoned up the suit jacket and stepped out. "Good?" I ask smiling. "Hella god dude!" Keith exclaimed. :You ready man?" My oldest brother asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." I replied

3rd Person POV

Shayne and his group walked out waiting in their positions. Noah stood next to Shayne with a hand on his shoulder. Shayne hugged him on last time. "Thank You, Man" Shayne said. "That's my job." Noah happily replied. Their ring bearer was a young cousin of Shayne and the flower girl was Damien's niece for the camping trip. (Omg nostalgia, I wrote that almost a year ago) The young girl walked out, throwing flowers as she went. Everyone stood. The doors opened and Damien walked through, holding a bouquet of navy blue flowers.

Shayne thought to himself. Omg, he looks stunning in that suit. Damien's mom let go of his arm and walked back to her seat. "You looking stunning." Damien said, a light pink dusting across his face. "You too Dames." Shayne said, the same pink forming on his cheeks. Shayne held out his hands for Damien to grab. He took them. Shayne had missed his touch, Damien's hands were cold, while Shayne's were warm. The pastor began to speak. Shayne started longingly into Damien's eyes. Then the pastor said "You may now exchange vows." Shayne dropped Damien's hands and took the microphone in front of him.

"So, umm Damien, may i first say you look beautiful today my darling." Damien blushed a dark crimson. Shayne fumbled over his words. "I swear I practiced this a thousand times. Damien Christian Haas. I promised you the day we started dating tha i would never, use, hurt, or manipulate you. So far I would say I've done pretty good." Damien nodded as Shayne continued. "But today I am going to break that promise, only to make a new one. I promise that I will love, care for, and hold you forever." Damien began to cry. "and whenever you cry I will wipe away all of your tears." as he said this he wiped Damien's tears with his thumb. " Whenever you are cold i will be your blanket. But lastly, if your heart ever breaks, which I hope it doesn't, I will mend it back together." Shayne finished with Damien cry softly " I love you." Shayne added.

Damien took the microphone and some paper out of his pocket. "How am I supposed to Topp that one." Damien began, everyone laughed. "Well I guess I'm going to be a Topp as well. That's exciting. Normally I would be all mushy gushy and make you cry. But today I want to truly express why I love you." Damien said. Shayne looked scaredly into Damien's eyes. "Even when I was in the hospital, you never left my side. When your mom was homophobic to us, you stood your ground, for me. I know that I am 'The bigger man' but really you are. Even if I have to grab everything off of the top shelf for the rest of our lives, as long as I'm grabbing it for you it doesn't matter. Shayne Robert Topp, I love you with all of my heart. You are my other, the part ot the whole that I was missing. To think that we almost weren't together at all breaks my heart." Damien said, Shayne covered his mouth and cried. "So now I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with you." Damien concluded. Shayne's jaw dropped, tears still spilling from his eyes. The pastor began "Do you Shayne Robert Topp, take Damien Christian Haas, To be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" He looked to Shayne "1000 times I do." He said still crying a little. "Do you Damien Christian Haas, take Shayne Robert Topp, To be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" The pastor now asked Damien. "I do" He replied. "You may kiss the groom. Damien bent down and kissed Shayne. The audience clapped.

Time Skip: After the wedding

Damien POV

I felt Shayne muscular arm wrap around my waist. I turned in his arm and nuzzled into his chest. Our legs interlocked. We laid there for a while. I moved away slightly and he placed his hand on my chest. "I love you, Damien Topp." he whispered. "I love you too Shayne." I replied. I nuzzled back into his chest, and fel asleep in his arms

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