Masky x Toby (smut)

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      The proxies are used to going on missions to slaughter helpless souls, why else would they wield hatchets and blunt pipes? Normally, all three go together to someone's house, stalk them for a little while to get as much information as possible, and eventually go in for the kill. All goes well, they clean up the mess, and move onto the next victim to terrorize. Not this time.
     This time, only toby and Masky are going, due to a bit of begging on the teenagers side. Brian would much rather stay back and drink, so he agreed without much of a fuss. He knows they aren't just going to kill someone. He's seen the way they look at each other when they are on the hunt, the way Timothy's eyes hood over with lust when his boyfriend is covered in someone's crimson blood. He doesn't want to witness the kinky fucks going at it in someone's house.
      Toby and Masky have already entered, a sickening grin on the younger males face as he teases the victim, a young woman not much older than himself. Definitely younger than Timothy. His hatchet glimmers in the artificial lighting of the bedroom, and Tim watches from the doorway with a knowing smirk. His boyfriend always likes a bit of extra pain in the mix.
        Toby's clothes are torn due to the weapon in the girls trembling hand. She'd managed to grab a knife and slice at him, so toby had to hold back his boyfriend from murdering her on the spot. He wanted to have fun with her. He continues to smirk, backing the crying girl into a corner. Instead of taking the knife, he grabs the girls arm and slams it over his knee, instantly breaking the limb and rendering it useless. The scream that was released had both males trembling with excitement and adrenaline. They live for this job.
     The girl collapses to the ground, cradling her wounded arm to her chest. Ugly tears stain her face, snot running down her lips. She doesn't care though, it's the least of her worries. Getting tired of her pathetic whimpering, toby stomps down on her shoulder to pin her in place, raising his hatchet high in the air above him. Tim watches with pure lust, his attraction for the male simply raising in such violent moments. Tobias slams the hatchet into her head, tugs it out, then slams it down again so that it breaks into her skull. Killing her instantly. Blood spews from the wound, all over the pretty cream carpet and his pants. He doesn't seem to mind, simply leaving his hatchet in the girls skull to walk towards his boyfriend with the same lust in his eyes.
     Timothy welcomes him with open arms, pushing the younger male against the wall and tugging the mask that covers his lips clean off. He tosses it to the floor and leans in close, leaving rough, sloppy kisses on his lovers awaiting lips. They kiss each other with pure desire and hunger, the taste of iron hitting both their tongues. Amplifying their want for each other. Tim lowers both hands down to get handfuls of the youngers clothed ass, making toby whimper into their kiss. 

Masky x Toby (smut)Where stories live. Discover now