【 9 】

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yoongi watched as hoseok slide on his shoes, grabbing his car keys and called, "where you going hobi?"

hoseok froze, "u-uh just going to grab some things from the store, ya know we ran out of milk, see you soon bub bye!" he stuttered, quickly walking out the door.

"but there's a full gallon in the fridge..."


"doc can't there be another way? please-" he pleaded, his voice cracking. "i- im sorry mr.jung, either you can take the chance of going under surgery with a 70% of dying or not take it at all, therefore resulting death."

hoseok hung his head, "ugh..i don't know..." he said in a small voice. the doctor who was extremely handsome with plump lips and blonde hair placed a hand on hoseok's shoulder reassuringly. "maybe talk to a significant other, family or friend, they can help you make a decision and comfort you."

yoongi stood up the moment he heard the door open, heart pounding with fear and anticipation. "h-hobi?" he whimpered when he saw hoseok's eyes red and brimmed with tears.

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