The name says it all~
Well, can it be described more?
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Thank you for spending your time to look into this!
Stay blessed,
Well, today I'm here to share one of my stupidity that happened last night~ It would be a probably something funny too.
So shall we begin? -clears throat-
Well, yesterday I missunderstood a comment from one of the dearest person in wattpad and she felt sorry for me that I felt bad too. But honestly, I didn't feel bad at all eomma~ trust me.
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So yeah this was a comment by this sweet person but she just missed a word "never" in that sentence. And as a I'm an idiot, I thought I might had hurt her somehow. Lol isn't it funny? I was just a sleepyhead yesterday that I couldn't understand it and I guess I didn't read the last scentence too😅
Dear eomma darkelx; I'm sorry for missunderstanding the scentence and making you sad. It was really something stupid of me as well. I guess I was kind of sleepy and I couldn't realize that it would have been a typing mistake. Forgive this dumbass kid over here. Pweeeeaasssuueee~ I'm seriously sorry about it eomma. You know what? Let's just leave it okay? No more sorry's allowed and yes, don't you dare to call yourself 'STUPID' because you really aren't one. Love you so much eomma and just stay the way you're.
Well, I have something for you to cheer up.
Here you go,
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Saranghae~ (♡--♡)
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