._ Pray for kerala _.

28 10 25


Heyoo~ peeps.
I hope all of you are doing fine.

I know you've already read the title and most of you might have understood what I'm going to say.

So like, there is this state called 'kerala' in India (it's an asian country) where it's been continuously raining for past two-three days.

It's not very simple as you think, it's heavy and extreme rains. The weather forecast says that "It's a ONCE in LIFETIME rain".

Almost all stations have recorded 100mm and the clouds remain stagnant since two days. This particular state has 33 dams open by now so that there could be flow of water but yet there are not able to control it. And what makes it so terrific is that " 12 LAKH  LITRES FLOW IN A SECOND THROUGH THESE". I'm not even able to imagine how much of water is it?

Because of this, the people out there are suffering, their homes are drowned in water, people even don't have a place to stay

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Because of this, the people out there are suffering, their homes are drowned in water, people even don't have a place to stay. All the schools, hospital and even officies are flooded. There were almost 28-35 death reported so far.

Though I'm very far from that place, I want you all to please pray for the people out there. It's too difficult over there.

Please pray for kerala!!!!

Take care sweets.
Have a blessed day/night.


[] Joe []

15 august' 18

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